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Izpis gradiva Pomoč

Avtorji:ID Poplatnik, Tjaša (Avtor)
ID Gregorič Kumperščak, Hojka (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Novo okno
ID Poštuvan, Vita (Komentor)
Datoteke:.pdf MAG_Poplatnik_Tjasa_2015.pdf (1,95 MB)
MD5: 58D52C62428363A4E02FF6876F32493F
Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Opis:Motnje hranjenja so povezane z odnosom posameznika do hrane, s percepcijo do lastnega telesa, s samospoštovanjem, z odnosi v družini in z vplivi iz socialnega okolja. Terapija pri zdravljenju bolnikov s tovrstno motnjo je po navadi kombinirana iz različnih psihoterapevtskih pristopov. V raziskavi smo se osredotočili na vedenjsko-kognitivno terapijo pri terapevtskem delu z bolniki z motnjami hranjenja. Bolj specifično nas je zanimala uporaba in pogostost vedenjsko-kognitivnih tehnik pri tovrstnih bolnikih. V delu smo se omejili na specifične motnje hranjenja, in sicer na anoreksijo nervozo in bulimijo nervozo. Pri raziskovanju smo uporabili kvalitativno in kvantitativno metodo. Intervju smo opravili s tremi psihoterapevti. Posamezen intervju je v povprečju trajal trideset minut. S pomočjo izsledkov iz intervjujev, literature in po konzultacijah z eksperti smo sestavili spletni vprašalnik s poudarkom na kognitivno-vedenjskih tehnikah pri specifičnih motnjah hranjenja. Vzorec sestavlja 100 psihoterapevtk (83 % žensk) iz različnih psihoterapevtskih šol. Reševanje spletnega vprašalnika je v povprečju trajalo 12 minut in 23 sekund. Rezultati so pokazali zanesljivost in veljavnost vprašalnika. Na podlagi primerjav povprečij smo preverjali razlike med želenim in realnim stanjem, glede na pomembnost in pogostost uporabe kognitivno-vedenjskih tehnik v terapiji pri bolnikih z motnjami hranjenja. Omenjeno diskrepanco smo preverjali tudi na področju želenih lastnosti terapevta za terapevtsko delo, pri vrsti podpore terapevta pri opravljanju terapevtskega dela in na področju priprave terapevta na terapevtsko delo z bolniki z motnjami hranjenja. Ugotovili smo, da obstaja manjša, a statistično pomembna diskrepanca na naštetih področjih. Izsledke naše raziskave smo s pomočjo osebnostnih teorij in ugotovitev druge raziskave razširili na osebnostne poteze udeležencev in opozorili na možen pojav izgorelosti pri terapevtih. Z metodo klastrske analize smo vzorec razdelili na tri skupine. Poimenovali smo jih vedenjsko-kognitivna, mešana in analitična (psihodinamska) skupina. Ugotovili smo, da se rezultati smiselno povezujejo glede na značilnosti terapevtov, ki prevladujejo v določeni skupini. Pomembnejši izsledki raziskave so, da strokovnjaki opažajo trend naraščanja motenj hranjenja, da imajo psihoterapevti z bolniki z motnjami hranjenja veliko izkušenj in da pri opravljanju terapevtskega dela z omenjenimi bolniki pogosto uporabljajo vedenjsko-kognitivne tehnike. V ozadju rezultatov je potreba po izobraževanju novih kadrov na področju motenj hranjenja.
Ključne besede:Vedenjsko-kognitivne tehnike, anoreksija nervoza, bulimija nervoza, lastnosti psihoterapevtov, priprava terapevta na terapevtsko delo, podpora terapevta pri opravljanju terapevtskega dela.
Kraj izida:Maribor
Založnik:[T. Poplatnik]
Leto izida:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-47454-83e9dd73-1fde-da34-db3d-53c1caa175fc Novo okno
COBISS.SI-ID:21456904 Novo okno
Datum objave v DKUM:04.04.2016
Število ogledov:2808
Število prenosov:476
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
POPLATNIK, Tjaša, 2015, KOGNITIVNO-VEDENJSKE TEHNIKE PRI SPECIFIČNIH MOTNJAH HRANJENJA [na spletu]. Magistrsko delo. Maribor : T. Poplatnik. [Dostopano 28 marec 2025]. Pridobljeno s: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=slv&id=47454
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Opis:Eating disorders are connected with an individual’s relation towards food, perception of one’s body, self-respect, family relations and with the influences of the social environment. When treating patients who have this type of disorder the therapy used is commonly a combination of different psychotherapeutic approaches. In the research we have focused on the cognitive behavioural therapy that is used in therapy with patients who suffer from eating disorders. More specifically, we were interested in the usage and frequency of the cognitive behavioural techniques with these patients. We focused on specific eating disorders; these being anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. We have used qualitative and quantitative methods of research. We conducted an interview with three psychotherapists, where the approximate duration of each interview was thirty minutes. With the help of the interview results, literature and after consulting with some experts, we have put together an online questionnaire focusing the cognitive behavioural techniques in specific eating disorders. The sample consists of one hundred psychotherapists (83 % of females) from various psychotherapeutic schools. Each questionnaire took about twelve minutes and twenty-three seconds. The results showed that the questionnaire was reliable and valid. Based on the comparison of the average results we reviewed the differences between the desired and actual state considering the importance and the frequency of using cognitive behavioural techniques with pations with eating disorders. We have also reviewed this discrepancy in the following areas: the desired characteristics in a therapist in his therapeutic work; the type of support of the therapist in performing therapeutic work; the therapist’s preparation for his work with the patients with eating disorders. We have discovered that there is a minor but statistically important discrepancy in the mentioned areas. With the help of behavioural theories and findings in other researches, we have been able to expand the results of our research onto the participant`s personal traits and we were also able to bring to attention the possibility of the burnout phenomena in therapists. Using the cluster analysis we have divided the sample into three groups and named them as following: cognitive behavioural, mixed and analytical (psychodynamics) group. We have discovered that the results are logically connected considering the therapists` characteristics that are predominant in a specific group. Some relevant results of the research are: experts are noticing an increasing trend in eating disorders; psychotherapists have a great deal of experience with patients with eating disorders; they usually use cognitive behavioural techniques in their therapeutic work with these patients. The results of the research also show a need for educating new personnel in the field of eating disorders.
Ključne besede:Cognitive-behavioural techniques, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, psychotherapist’s characteristics, preparations of a therapist for therapy, therapist`s support in therapy


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