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Authors:ID Cajnko, Katja (Author)
ID Završnik, Bruno (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Cajnko_Katja_2015.pdf (1,58 MB)
MD5: 104BB1E18CF022002F5C830B44ECEA8A
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Digitalni marketing oz. marketinško komuniciranje je relativno nov tehnološki izraz, ki je izbruhnil v svet industrije. Opredelimo ga lahko kot promocijsko izpostavljenost izdelkov ali svetovnih blagovnih znamk skozi eno ali več oblik družbenega mreženja. Povzroča pravi gospodarski razcvet, medtem ko so tradicionalne marketinške metode postale manj dobičkonosne in zastarele ter se v veliki večini osredinjajo samo na televizijske in časopisne oglase. Njegov obstoj ne gre jemati kot luksuzen ali sekundaren vir marketinga, saj številni napovedujejo, da bo kmalu prevzel vlogo tradicionalnega marketinga, kar je posledica vse večjih potreb odjemalcev in povečanja zavedanja posameznikov. Odjemalci po vsem svetu so postali zelo kritični in se pred nakupom izdelkov ali storitev o teh skrbno informirajo. Okusi so vedno bolj različni in težko zadovoljivi. Digitalni marketing zato velja za veliko bolj donosnega, saj omogoča podjetjem tesnejše stike s svojimi odjemalci. Vendar ohranjanje uspeha, doseženega z digitalnim marketinškim komuniciranjem, ni lahka naloga. Z namenom ustvariti učinkovito digitalno marketinško kampanjo, morajo podjetja razumeti svoj tip odjemalcev in svoje sporočilo predstaviti na preprost, iskren in atraktiven način. Podjetja morajo prav tako upoštevati mnenja odjemalcev ter svoje izdelke redno posodabljati in iskati inovacije. V naslednjih poglavjih bomo podrobneje opredelili pojem digitalni marketing oz. marketinško komuniciranje, pogledali njegove dobre in slabe strani, predstavili izzive, s katerimi se spoprijema, raziskali njegovo povezavo s tradicionalnim marketingom, se dotaknili aktualnih trendov na tem področju ter ga prikazali na primeru uspešnega podjetja.
Keywords:digitalni marketing, marketinško komuniciranje, trendi, digitalni mediji
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[K. Cajnko]
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-47422 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:11987996 New window
Publication date in DKUM:19.05.2015
CAJNKO, Katja, 2015, DIGITALNO MARKETINŠKO KOMUNICIRANJE V PODJETJU SIMOBIL D.D. [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : K. Cajnko. [Accessed 18 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=47422
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Secondary language

Abstract:Digital Marketing is a new technological term that bursts into the world of industry. It can be defined as the promotional exposure of products or world brands through one or more forms of social networking. It has been deemed to be the new economic boom approach. Traditional marketing methods of merchandise have become less profitable and outdated. It only focused on tv and newspaper ads to attract consumers attention. The notion of a digital marketing burst , is not meant to be a luxurious or a secondary source of marketing but it emerges to substitute the traditional marketing. This is due to the excess needs of the consumers as well as the increase of awareness for individuals . Customers all over the world have become very critical and constantly researching products before making any purchase. The general taste has become sophisticated and hard to please. As a result digital marketing is thought to be a much profitable and greater way of fulfilling the needs of the general population. On the other hand, it is not an easy task to obtain success via digital marketing. In order to develop an effective digital marketing campaign, it is important for an enterprise to understand the types of customers it is serving and to work hard on conveying its marketing message in the simplest, most honest and attractive way possible. Also marketers need to consider customers reviews and be flexible to update and innovate their products. In the following chapters we will therefore further define the concept of digital marketing and marketing communications, look at its good and bad sides, present challenges that digital marketing is faced with, investigate its relation with traditional marketing, look at the current trends in this field and analize a case of a company which is using digital marketing.
Keywords:digital marketing, marketing communications, trends, digital media


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