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Title:Racionalizacija embalaže za vodo
Authors:ID Lapuh, Petra (Author)
ID Lisec, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Levičar, Stanislav (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Lapuh_Petra_2014.pdf (1,01 MB)
MD5: 24BF6331529201888A93C725CDE8D9BF
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:V diplomskem delu sta predstavljena problem uporabe plastenk ob pitju mineralne vode in strmenje k racionalni uporabi le-teh. Embalaža je predstavljena kot pomemben dejavnik, poudarki so namenjeni steklu in plastiki. Steklena embalaža je predstavljena kot idealen material za pitje vode, saj ne vpliva na zdravje ljudi in v primerjavi s plastično embalažo manj škoduje okolju. Plastična embalaža za embaliranje vode ima poleg svojih slabosti tudi prednosti, zaradi katerih bo vedno prisotna na trgu. Kot primer dobre slovenske prakse embalažnih materialov za pitje vode je predstavljena izvirska voda Zala z lažjo plastenko. Kot racionalna rešitev problematike je v delu predstavljena steklenička Flaška, ki je prav tako slovenski produkt. Izvedena je anketa, ki zajema uporabo embalirane vode in vode iz domačega vodovoda, ločevanje odpadne embalaže ter vpliv embalažnih materialov na zdravje ljudi. Rezultati prikazujejo, da večina anketirancev uživa vodo iz domačega vodovoda, pravilno ločuje plastenke in steklenice; le polovica anketiranih pa se zaveda nevarnega vpliva plastenk na zdravje človeka.
Keywords:embalaža, steklenica, plastenka, voda
Place of publishing:Krško
Publisher:[P. Lapuh]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-46505 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:512634941 New window
Publication date in DKUM:30.01.2015
LAPUH, Petra, 2014, Racionalizacija embalaže za vodo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Krško : P. Lapuh. [Accessed 18 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=46505
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Title:Rationalisation of packaging water
Abstract:The objectives of this thesis are the problem of the use of mineral water plastic bottles and a tendency towards their rational use. With packaging being presented as a key factor, this research focuses on glass and plastic. Unlike plastic bottles, glass is considered as an ideal packaging material for drinking water since it is environmentally friendly and its use does not harm human health. Plastic packaging will always have a market presence because of its advantages as well as its disadvantages. A good example of sustainable packaging in Slovenia is Zala, spring water bottled in lighter bottles. Furthermore, another Slovene product, glass bottle Flaška, is presented as a rational solution to the problem. A survey was conducted on the use of water from domestic water supply and bottled water, waste packaging separation, and the impact of packaging materials on human health. The results show that most of the respondents consume water from domestic water supply and properly separate plastic and glass bottles. Jet only half of respondents are aware of the impact of plastic bottle on human health.
Keywords:packaging, glass bottle, plastic bottle, water


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