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Authors:ID Žikovšek, Darja (Author)
ID Konečnik Kotnik, Eva (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Kolnik, Karmen (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Zikovsek_Darja_2014.pdf (1,89 MB)
MD5: 273B5055B63CF58510FA30FA1B51B95A
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Učenje geografije na strokovni srednješolski ravni zahteva logično povezovanje pojavov in procesov v naravi, zavedanje o medsebojnem vplivu različnih geografskih dejavnikov na obravnavani pojav, zmožnost predstavljivosti, orientacije v prostoru in na zemljevidu ter zmožnost abstraktnega mišljenja. Dijaki imajo pogosto težave z aplikacijo pridobljenega geografskega znanja v prakso in na pojave ter procese, ki so del vsakdanjega življenja. Identifikacija omenjenih težav srednješolske populacije je korak k temu, da profesorji skušajo s pomočjo evalvacije lastnega dela učne ure zasnovati s poudarkom na reševanju omenjenih težav pri učenju in izpostavljajo pomen prenosa pridobljenega znanja pri pouku na vsakdanje življenje. V želji po usvojitvi ciljev učnega načrta za geografijo in produktivnem sodelovanju med dijaki in učitelji predstavlja izziv tudi poučevanje geografije. Pri tem smo želeli identificirati in analizirati specifične prijeme in metode, ki običajni pedagoški in vzgojni proces dvignejo na višjo raven. V empiričnem delu smo na osnovi anketnih vprašalnikov za dijake tehniške gimnazije in strukturiranega intervjuja za profesorico geografije na izbrani šoli prepoznali in analizirali nekatere težave pri učenju in poučevanju geografije. Na osnovi rezultatov empiričnega raziskovanja in ugotovitev v strokovni literaturi smo zasnovali učno uro z ustrezno izbranimi učnimi metodami, oblikami in pripomočki, z namenom, da pri dijakih izboljšamo razumevanje snovi in dosežemo boljšo predstavljivost pojavov in procesov.
Keywords:Geografija, tehniška gimnazija, učenje, poučevanje, abstraktno mišljenje, prostorska predstavljivost, orientacija, vzročno posledično mišljenje.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[D. Žikovšek]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-46095 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:20858376 New window
Publication date in DKUM:07.10.2014
ŽIKOVŠEK, Darja, 2014, NEKATERI VIDIKI UČENJA IN POUČEVANJA PRI POUKU GEOGRAFIJE V TEHNIŠKI GIMNAZIJI – ŠTUDIJA PRIMERA [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : D. Žikovšek. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=46095
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Secondary language

Title:Some Aspects of Learning and Teaching in Geography Class in a Technical Secondary School – A Case Study
Abstract:Teaching geography on a technical secondary school level requires logical linking of natural phenomena and processes, awareness about the interaction of different geographical factors on a specific phenomenon, the ability of spatial awareness, orientation in real life and on a map, and the ability of abstract thinking. Students often have difficulties applying their acquired geographical knowledge into practice, as well as on everyday phenomena and processes. Identifying the aforementioned problems of secondary school population is a step toward making professors, with the help of evaluating their own work, design their lessons with a focus on solving these learning difficulties, and highlight the importance of transfer of knowledge, which was acquired during lessons, to everyday life. Teaching geography poses a challenge in adopting aims and objectives of the curriculum for geography and a productive cooperation between students and professors. In regard to that, we tried to identify and analyse specific approaches and methods that bring the traditional teaching and educational process to a higher level. The empirical section is based on the results of questionnaires for students of technical secondary school and a structured interview with a professor of geography at a chosen school, which helped us identify and analyse some of the difficulties of learning and teaching geography. Based on the results of our empirical research and findings in literature, we designed a lesson with appropriately chosen teaching methods, forms and devices, with the aim of helping students understand the subject matter and to achieve better understanding of phenomena and processes.
Keywords:Geography, technical secondary school, learning, teaching, abstract thinking, spatial awareness, orientation, cause-and-effect thinking process.


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