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Authors:ID Strašek, Jasmina (Author)
ID Završnik, Bruno (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Strasek_Jasmina_2014.pdf (1,31 MB)
MD5: 51A6B0FE39EAF7B7DD70CAB334D7E995
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Spletne družbene mreže so pojem, ki nekaterim podjetjem predstavljajo mit, za druga pa so del življenjskega cikla njihovih blagovnih znamk. Število uporabnikov spletnih družbenih mrež se iz dneva v dan veča. Ker pa smo uporabniki spleta in njegovih orodij, hkrati tudi odjemalci izdelkov in storitev podjetij, se jih vse več zaveda, da je potreben korak naprej v načinu marketinškega komuniciranja. Ta korak pa predstavlja vse večji poudarek podjetij k razvoju strategije komuniciranja preko spletnih družbenih mrež. Spletna družbena omrežja, kot marketinško komunikacijsko orodje, za sabo skrivajo mnogo več kot zgolj vzpostavitev profila ali poslovne strani podjetja. Gre za celoto marketinških komunikacijskih aktivnosti, ki podjetju omogočajo grajenje dolgoročnega odnosa z uporabniki mrež, s katerimi jih druži določen skupen interes. Ker pa je ta interes za podjetja pomemben, se z različnimi komunikacijskimi strategijami trudijo, da bi pridobili tolikšen vpliv, da bi uporabnika spletne družbene mreže spremenili v odjemalca podjetja. Za doseganje le-tega, pa morajo pri razvoju večstopenjske strategije komuniciranja imeti v mislih »pogovore« z uporabniki in ne kampanje. Podjetje Akcija d.o.o., iz Hrvaške, vsa leta, od začetka svojega poslovanja pa do danes, svetovni splet in spletne družbene mreže uspešno uporablja pri izvajanju svoje komunikacijske strategije, na kar pa zraven dobrih poslovnih rezultatov kažejo tudi rezultati izvajanja marketinških komunikacij na spletnih družbenih mrežah pri njihovih odjemalcih. Ker pa vodstvo podjetja ves čas dela na tem, da bi ponudili čim boljšo komunikacijsko strategijo za podjetja na spletnih družbenih mrežah, jim vse bolj uspeva pridobivanje konkurenčnosti na domačih in tujih trgih. Uspešna komunikacijska strategija preko spletnih družbenih mrež je podjetju Akcija d.o.o. omogočila, da bodo postali konkurenčni tudi na globalnem trgu, saj so v obseg svojih dejavnosti vključili razvoj aplikacij za spletne družbene mreže, ki pa delujejo tako kot vse preostale storitve v ponudbi podjetja, torej z enotnim ciljem: »Mi bomo ustvarili vašo zgodbo«.
Keywords:spletna družbena omrežja, strateško marketinško komuniciranje, svetovni splet, družbeni mediji, strategija komuniciranja preko spletnih družbenih mrež
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[J. Strašek]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-45389 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:11800604 New window
Publication date in DKUM:08.10.2014
STRAŠEK, Jasmina, 2014, SPLETNA DRUŽBENA OMREŽJA KOT MARKETINŠKO KOMUNIKACIJSKO ORODJE (ŠTUDIJA PRIMERA) [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : J. Strašek. [Accessed 29 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=45389
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Secondary language

Abstract:For some companies the term of online social networks represents a myth, but for others it represents important part of their brand life cycle. However, the number of users of online social networks is increasing day by day. And because users of World Wide Web and its tools are also consumers, companies are increasing attention for making one step forward in the marketing communication. And that step forward is representing focusing of companies on developing communication strategies trough online social networks. Using online social networks as marketing tool don’t represent just setting up company business profile or business page, but it is much more than that. It includes whole concept of all marketing activities, which are the main tool for building long-term relationships between company and users of online social networks, with whom they share common interest. That interest has really strong importance for company that is why they are using different approaches of marketing communication strategies, with which they are trying to convert users of online social networks to their customers. And if company wants to achieve that stage by their users, they have to keep in mind in every step of multi-level strategy, that they are developing “conversations” and not campaigns. From first day of formation of Croatian company Akcija d.o.o. until today, they are successfully implementing their communication strategy trough word wide web and online social networks. That successfully implementing is not shown only in business results of the company, but also in results of their communication trough their client’s online social networks. And because leaders of company are constantly working on offering and developing the best communication strategy for communication of companies trough social networks, they did improve their competitive advantages with which they are improving in competitiveness at domestic and foreign markets.Despite of effective online social networks communication strategy of company Akcija, they are gaining more and more possibilities to become competitive even on global market. And to get even more possibilities to come at that level of competitiveness, they have expand their range of services with offering applications for online social networks, which are established with the same goals as other services of the company which is: “We create your story”.
Keywords:online social networks, strategic marketing communications, world wide web, social media, communication strategy trough online social networks


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