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Title:Problematika odkrivanja amfetaminov v Republiki Sloveniji : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in notranje zadeve
Authors:ID Abdić, Jasmin (Author)
ID Dobovšek, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Abdic_Jasmin_2014.pdf (955,32 KB)
MD5: 264FAFE57A810414CBD1E887B2EA3DC0
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Amfetamini (Speed) so prepovedane droge, ki jih po klasifikacijah svetovnih organizacij uvrščamo med stimulanse, in sicer v skupino spodbujevalcev amfetaminskega tipa. Uporaba se pojavlja med različnimi kategorijami ljudi, večinoma pa v nočnem življenju mladih, ki je povezano s plesno glasbo. Danes amfetamini ostajajo v uporabi v večini držav Evropske unije in so (poleg ekstazija) najpogosteje uporabljeni sintetični stimulansi. Kljub slednjemu pa večina kazalnikov dolgoročno ostaja usklajena, saj je njihov delež uporabe v zadnjih letih sorazmerno majhen in ustaljen. Uporaba ostaja problematična v nordijskih državah in v nekaterih državah osrednje in vzhodne Evrope. V Sloveniji je razširjenost uporabe amfetaminov nižja od povprečja evropskih držav. Evropa je glavna proizvajalka sintetičnih drog. Proizvodnja poteka predvsem v severozahodnem, severovzhodnem ter jugovzhodnem delu Evrope. Največ amfetaminov se zaseže v severozahodnem delu in v osrednjem delu Evrope, v preteklosti pa je pri zasegu tablet prevladoval jugovzhodni del. Slovenija je ocenjena kot država uporabnica in kot tranzitna država, kjer se amfetamini ne proizvajajo. Prav tako so količine zasegov zelo majhne. Problematika odkrivanja amfetaminov se kaže predvsem v pomanjkanju kadra, pa tudi v pomanjkanju znanja, opreme in prakse. Slovenija beleži porast le na področju odkrivanja novih psihoaktivnih snovi in zamenjave uporabe amfetaminov z drugimi prepovedanimi drogami. Napovedi za prihodnost kažejo, da se pričakuje povečana ponudba sintetičnih drog in novih psihoaktivnih snovi iz nekaterih držav Evrope in Azije, novi, bolj sodobni načini ponudbe (internet itd.) ter nasploh povečan pretok in ponudba prepovedanih drog ter predhodnih sestavin za njihovo izdelavo. Ključne besede: Sintetični stimulansi, amfetamini, nove sintetične droge, pravna ureditev EU na področju drog, pravna ureditev RS na področju drog, problematika odkrivanja amfetaminov v EU in RS.
Keywords:droge, prepovedane droge, sintetične droge, stimulansi, amfetamini, preiskovanje, preprečevanje, pravna ureditev, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:[Ljubljana
Publisher:J. Abdić]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-44999 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2835434 New window
Publication date in DKUM:03.09.2014
ABDIĆ, Jasmin, 2014, Problematika odkrivanja amfetaminov v Republiki Sloveniji : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in notranje zadeve [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : J. Abdić. [Accessed 30 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=44999
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Secondary language

Abstract:Amphetamines (Speed) are illicit drugs, classified by global organizations as stimulants, namely Amphetamine-type stimulants. The drugs are used by different categories of people, yet the majority is detected in the night life of young people in association with dance music. Today the amphetamines are present in most EU Member States and are (in addition to Ecstasy) the most commonly used synthetic stimulants. In spite of the latter, however, most of the indicators remain adapted for a long-term period, since the percentage of amphetamine use in the recent years is relatively small and fixed. The drug use remains a problem in the Nordic countries and some Central and Eastern European countries. The prevalence of amphetamine use in Slovenia is lower than the European average. Europe is the main producer of synthetic drugs. The production takes place mainly in the north-western, north-eastern and south-eastern part of Europe. Nowadays most of the amphetamines are confiscated in the north-western and central part of Europe, while in the past the majority was confiscated in the south-eastern part. Slovenia is recorded as a user and a transit state, where amphetamines are not produced. The quantity of confiscated drugs is very small. The problem of amphetamines detection is mostly in the lack of staff but also in the lack of knowledge, equipment and practices. Slovenia records a rise in the field of detection of new psychoactive substances and the replacement of amphetamines with other illicit drugs. Projections for the future show an increased supply of synthetic drugs and new psychoactive substances from certain European and Asian countries, new ways of supply (the Internet etc.) and in general an increased flow and supply of illicit drugs and precursors for their production. Keywords: Synthetic stimulants, amphetamines, new synthetic drugs, the legal regulation of the EU in the field of drugs, the legal regulation of the Republic of Slovenia in the field of drugs, the problem of amphetamines detection in the EU and the Republic of Slovenia


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