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Title:Razvoj modela usposabljanja učiteljev razrednega pouka za poučevanje predmeta naravoslovje in tehnika
Authors:ID Delčnjak Smrečnik, Irena (Author)
ID Fošnarič, Samo (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf DR_Delcnjak_Smrecnik_Irena_2014.pdf (2,01 MB)
MD5: DD847CFF70867A34261AF33D3C19F8D7
Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Doktorska disertacija obravnava pouk predmeta naravoslovja in tehnike, ki se poučuje v 4. in 5. razredu osnovne šole, hkrati pa zajema širšo problematiko poučevanja naravoslovnih vsebin v nižjih razredih osnovne šole. V prvem delu avtorica predstavi kurikularne reforme naravoslovnih predmetov ter dosedanja domača in tuja spoznanja o učenju in poučevanju naravoslovnih vsebin, pri čemer je poudarek na učiteljih in učencih v nižjih razrednih osnovne šole. Posebno pozornost namenja znanju in odnosu učiteljev do predmeta naravoslovja in tehnike, predvsem učiteljevemu prepričanju o lastni usposobljenosti. Temeljne ugotovitve empirične raziskave, izvedene med 358 razrednimi učitelji, so: učitelji nižje ocenjujejo lastno usposobljenost za poučevanje predmeta naravoslovja in tehnike od ostalih predmetov (matematika, slovenščina, družba). Prav tako učitelji najnižje ocenjujejo lastno usposobljenost za metodo praktičnih (laboratorijskih) del. Rezultati so tudi pokazali nizko usposobljenost za konstruktivistični pristop, še posebej za fazo postavljanja hipotez in eksperimentiranja. Ocena lastne usposobljenosti raste z velikostjo šole in z nadaljnjim izpopolnjevanjem. Povezav s stopnjo izobrazbe ali z delovnimi izkušnjami nismo ugotovili. Izjema je uporaba IKT. V empiričnem delu je torej potrjena domneva, da kurikularna sprememba predmeta naravoslovja in tehnike z devetletko (še) ni prinesla ustrezne implementacije v prakso. Izhajajoč iz dejstva, da je učitelj pomemben člen pri udejanjanju reform, ter na osnovi ugotovitev pričujoče raziskave, tuje literature in avtoričinih poklicnih izkušenj je v zadnjem delu predstavljen model nadaljnjega izobraževanja in usposabljanja za predmet naravoslovja in tehnike.
Keywords:osnovna šola, pouk naravoslovja, predmet naravoslovje in tehnika, razredni učitelj, nadaljnje izobraževanje in usposabljanje
Place of publishing:[S. l.
Publisher:I. Delčnjak Smrečnik]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-44846 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:20701704 New window
Publication date in DKUM:17.07.2014
DELČNJAK SMREČNIK, Irena, 2014, Razvoj modela usposabljanja učiteljev razrednega pouka za poučevanje predmeta naravoslovje in tehnika [online]. Doctoral dissertation. S. l. : I. Delčnjak Smrečnik. [Accessed 15 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=44846
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Secondary language

Abstract:Doctoral dissertation deals with teaching the subject of Science and technology (NIT), which is taught in grade 4 and 5 in primary school. At the same time it covers wider issues of teaching natural science in the lower grades of primary school. In the first part the author presents curricular reform of science subjects and previous local and international knowledge about teaching and learning science, with an emphasis on teachers and pupils in lower grades of primary school. Special attention is given to knowledge and teachers’ attitudes toward teaching Science, particularly to teachers’ beliefs about their own competence. Main findings of the empirical research carried out on 358 primary teachers are: teachers assess their own ability for teaching Science lower than for other school subjects (Maths, Slovenian, Learning about Society). Competence for using the method of practical (and laboratory work) is lowest rated by teachers. The results also show low competence for using constructivist approach, especially for the phase of hypothesis and experimentation. Self-evaluation of competence grows with the size of the school and further professional education and training. Links between the level of education and working experience were not found. The use of ICT is the exception. In the empirical part, therefore, the assumption that curricular change of Science course of nine-year school has not yielded an adequate implementation in practice (yet) is confirmed. Starting from the fact that the teacher is an important element in implementing reforms and based on the findings of this study, international literature and the author's professional experience, the model of further education and training (NIU) for teaching Science is presented in the last art of the present work.
Keywords:Further education and training, Teaching Science, Primary school, Primary teacher, Science and technology


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