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Title:Parkiranje v mestih - uvedba Parkirnih centrov
Authors:ID Blažinč, Marko (Author)
ID Topolšek, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Cvahte, Tina (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Blazinc_Marko_2014.pdf (1,00 MB)
MD5: 085F6B922AD4B0B8F958BE8922413B7D
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:Parkiranje v mestih postaja zaradi neustreznosti trenutnega parkirnega in prometnega sistema vedno večji problem. Težave se pojavljajo v vseh evropskih mestih in ker jih skušajo mesta samostojno odpraviti, so rezultati slabi in neuspešni. Menimo, da se je zaradi sestavljenosti težav potrebno z njihovim reševanjem spoprijeti na mednarodnem nivoju in ne lokalnem. Idejni koncept, imenovan Parkirni centri, smo izdelali kot predlog za univerzalno rešitev problemov parkirnega in prometnega sistema. V nalogi bomo predstavili njegovo obliko, načine delovanja in upravljanja, tehnologijo, ki jo uporablja, ter tudi njegov vpliv na okolje. Poleg tega bomo predstavili novo prometno ureditev v mestih in posebno obliko Parkirnega centra, ki je razvita posebej za avtocestna počivališča. Zavzemamo se za skupno rešitev, ki bi bila primerna za vsa evropska mesta, kar pomeni, da bi v vseh delovala pod enakimi pogoji in z enotnim načinom uporabe. Za mnenje o idejnem konceptu Parkirni centri smo v anketi povprašali prebivalce Zagreba, glavnega mesta Hrvaške.
Keywords:parkiranje, parkirna mesta, idejni koncept, Parkirni centri
Place of publishing:Celje
Publisher:[M. Blažinč]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-44712 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:512652861 New window
Publication date in DKUM:25.02.2015
BLAŽINČ, Marko, 2014, Parkiranje v mestih - uvedba Parkirnih centrov [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Celje : M. Blažinč. [Accessed 17 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=44712
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Secondary language

Title:Parking in the cities – the introduction of Parking centers
Abstract:Parking in cities is becoming more and more an issue because of the inadequacy of current parking and traffic systems. Same problems are occurring in all European cities because cities are dealing with this complex problem independently, the results are poor and unsuccessful. We believe that such a complex problem should be dealt with on an international level and not on local. We designed an idea concept named Parking Centers, as a suggestion for universal solving of parking and traffic problems. In this thesis we are describing its shape, mode of operation and management, involved technology, impact on the environment, new traffic regime and a special form of Parking Centers that was developed especially for highway resting places. We advocate for universal solution that is compatible in all European cities and works under same conditions and terms of use in all European cities. For opinion about the idea concept of Parking Centers, we conducted a survey amongst citizens of the capital city of Croatia, Zagreb.
Keywords:parking, parking spot, idea concept, Parking Center


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