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Authors:ID Oletić, Sanela (Author)
ID Završnik, Bruno (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 3F56FBF99D0FF187A686AB21442E3B8B
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Vsi potrošnike pritegne nekaj zanimivega. Če stvar ni zanimiva, ji ne posvečamo pozornosti. Na podlagi tega naši možgani sprejmejo odločitev: da ali ne. Pri oglaševanju, še posebej preko družbenih omrežij, te dileme ni. Čeprav se tega ne zavedamo, se naše informacije zbirajo, podjetja pa to izkoriščajo za oglaševanje določenega izdelka ali storitve določeni osebi. Ta pojav se imenuje vedenjsko ciljanje (angl. »Behavioral targeting«). Magistrsko delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega dela, kjer smo poskušali izpostaviti teoretična izhodišča marketinškega komuniciranja, oglaševanja na splošno in oglaševanja v digitalnih medijih. Slednje je tudi osrednja tema magistrske naloge. Teoretična izhodišča so povzeta po domačih in tujih literaturi in virih, v praktičnem delu pa smo naredili spletno anketo, s pomočjo katere smo anketirali uporabnike digitalnega oglaševanja. V to smo na eni strani vključili končne uporabnike (zanimalo nas je, kakšno je njihovo stališče do digitalnega oglaševanja), na drugi strani pa podjetja kot uporabnike digitalnega oglaševanja. Pri magistrskem delu smo poskušali izpostaviti pomembnost oglaševanja v digitalnih medijih in njegove prednosti ter slabosti. Podjetja imajo dandanes možnost, da lahko pri oglaševanju izkoristijo javnost in tako stopijo v stik z neposrednimi uporabniki. Zelo poceni lahko dobijo konkretne informacije o tem, kar jih zanima v zvezi s končnimi uporabniki, njihovimi željami, interesi, potrebami ipd., hkrati pa lahko tudi takoj oglašujejo svoje izdelke ali storitve točno določenim uporabnikom. Podjetja morajo današnjo digitalizacijo izkoristiti kot prednost pri poslovanju, hkrati pa se pri tem izogniti različnim prevaram in zlonamernim aktivnostim preko spleta. Oglaševanje s pomočjo družbenih omrežij je lahko v korist tako podjetjem kot samim uporabnikom prav zaradi povratne zveze med enimi in drugimi.
Keywords:marketinško komuniciranje, tradicionalno oglaševanje, ciljno oglaševanje, digitalni mediji, družbena omrežja.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[S. Oletić]
Year of publishing:2013
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-42655 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:11619356 New window
Publication date in DKUM:09.01.2014
OLETIĆ, Sanela, 2013, OGLAŠEVANJE V DIGITALNIH  MEDIJIH [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : S. Oletić. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=42655
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Abstract:All consumers are such that if something is interesting it attracts us, but if it is not we do not pay any attention to it. Our brain makes a decision on that matter, either yes or no. When it comes to advertising and, primarily, social networks there is no decision to make, no dilemma. Without our knowledge information is collected and companies take advantage of it in order to advertise certain product and service to a specific person. That is called behavioural targeting. Master's thesis consists of a theoretical part in which the theoretical foundations of marketing communications, advertising in general and, lastly, advertising in digital media are highlighted. Theoretical starting points are taken from domestic and foreign literature and sources. The practical part consists of an online survey in which users of digital advertising were surveyed. Both end-users and their attitudes towards digital advertising, and companies in a role of a user were surveyed. This thesis establishes the importance of advertising in digital media and its advantages as well as disadvantages. Today, everything is public, and this can be used by, for example companies, in order to benefit from the advertising and get in touch with the direct users. They get concrete information about the end-users for a low price, such as users’ desires, interests and needs. On the other hand, in this way companies advertise their products and services to specific users. Companies should take today's digitization as an advantage for their business, but should avoid various dubious acts or malicious online activity. By advertising on social networks business, as well as the users themselves, get some feedback which can be used for mutual benefit.
Keywords:marketing communication, traditional advertising, targeted advertising, digital media, social networks.


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