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Authors:ID Kidrič, Patricija (Author)
ID Bobek, Samo (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 0EB78E1CAB4DFAD2C051786013D7B858
Work type:Final seminar paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Vsaka valuta ima vzpone in padce, kar je odvisno od razmer na trgu, ki so tisti čas prisotne. Ljudje stremimo k napredku, se razvijamo, učimo in nismo ustvarjeni, da bi stagnirali. Vsak dan prinese veliko novosti in od naših potreb, zanimanja in odprtosti je odvisno kako bomo te novosti (če sploh) sprejeli. Bitcoin digitalna valuta je vsekakor novost in napredek v svetu digitalnega denarja. Morda lahko marsikoga spomni na prizor iz filma Matrica, v katerem Morfej vpraša Neota če hoče vzeti modro tableto in tako oditi nazaj v svet, katerega pozna ali bo vzel rdečo tableto in videl svet tak kot je. Neo se je odločil za rdečo tableto in začel z raziskovanjem o človeštvu, hierarhiji, pravilih ipd. Bitcoin bi lahko povezali ravno s to rdečo tableto. Z obstojem te valute bodo vedno obstajali slabi dogodki,stvari, vendar se iz tega lahko izcimi še veliko dobrega in uporabnega. Bitcoin se lahko izoblikuje v finančno trdnost in moč, potrebuje le še več zaupanja ljudi v ta sistem (Palihipatiya, 2013). Dandanes obstaja že precej digitalnih valut, ki so v uporabi, vendar je Bitcoin ena izmed bolj prepoznavnih. Njegove glavne lastnosti so decentraliziranost, anonimnost, P2P tehnologija, hitrost transakcij in majhni stroški. Ima že vrsto podpornikov (podjetij, trgovin), ki omogočajo plačila z njimi, seznam pa se čedalje veča. Tudi v Sloveniji že imamo dve spletni trgovini, ki prav tako omogočata plačilo s to valuto. Menim, da ima Bitcoin svetlo prihodnost v kolikor se bo uspešno branil pred raznimi zlorabami, pranjem denarja ipd. Vendar moramo vedeti tudi, da žal to valuto izkoriščajo tudi tisti, ki preko nje poslujejo ilegalno, s preprodajo orožja, drog, prostitucijo ipd. Ker je valuta decentralizirana in omogoča anonimno uporabo, organi pregona ne morejo storiti ničesar, da bi to preprečili. Samo predvideva se lahko v kakšnem obsegu se to danes izkorišča.
Keywords:Digitalna valuta, anonimnost, decentralizacija, matematični algoritem, rudarjenje, odprta koda, P2P.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[P. Kidrič]
Year of publishing:2013
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-41540 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:12174364 New window
Publication date in DKUM:03.12.2015
KIDRIČ, Patricija, 2013, BITCOIN DIGITALNA VALUTA [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : P. Kidrič. [Accessed 17 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=41540
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Abstract:All currencies undergo a positive or negative change in value, reflecting the current market situation. People tend to strive for progress, evolve in new ways, acquire new knowledge and refuse to remain inactive. We are facing new concepts on a daily basis and it is up to our needs, interest and openness how and if we are going to accept these. A digital currency called Bitcoin is such a novelty which represents progress in the field of digital money. In fact, one may think of certain similarities with a scene from the movie The Matrix. In the movie, the main character Neo is offered the choice between a red pill and a blue pill. The blue pill would allow him to remain in the fabricated reality of the Matrix. The red pill would lead to his escape into the real world. He decides to take the red pill and begins a period of exploration about humanity, hierarchy, rules, etc. In this context, some parallels might be drawn between Bitcoin and the red pill. Bitcoin might bring some bad and difficult outcomes, but it can also lead to good, useful and powerful results too. It has the potential to develop financial strength and power, it only needs to gain more trust from the public (Palihipatiya, 2013). Many other digital currencies have been created and are being used, however, Bitcoin is one of the most common ones. It is based on a decentralized peer-to-peer (P2P) network, offering anonymity, fast transactions and low processing costs. There are already several merchants (companies, shops) who support this type of payment and more are ready to join. In Slovenia, there are also two online shops accepting Bitcoin payment. If it can successfully avoid different kinds of misuse and money laundering, it is safe to predict that Bitcoin is facing a bright future. However, it also needs to be considered that this currency can be misused for illegal activities dealing with drugs, weapons, prostitution, etc. Because of its decentralized operating structure and anonymity, the prosecuting authorities can do nothing to prevent this. We can only assume the current extent of such illegal undertakings.
Keywords:Bitcoin, digital currency, anonymity, decentralization, mathematical algorithm, mining, open source, peer-to-peer.


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