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Title:Pritožbeni postopek v policiji - primerjava z Republiko Hrvaško in mednarodnimi civilnimi misijami : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varstvoslovje
Authors:ID Mustar, Jernej (Author)
ID Lobnikar, Branko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Mustar_Jernej_2013.pdf (522,56 KB)
MD5: ABEA587EBAAABC958D8601C977657741
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/e7bbcc62-83dc-447f-a921-63f4b76ed560
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Diplomsko delo predstavlja več pogledov na postopek pritožb v Sloveniji. Najprej gre za primerjalni vidik pojasnjevanja pritožbenega postopka. V osnovni premisi namreč pojasnjujemo pritožbeni postopek, ki velja v Sloveniji in ga primerjamo s tistim, ki velja na Hrvaškem in tistim, ki velja v okviru Mednarodnih civilnih misij. V nadaljevanju opisujemo tudi nekatere razlike med slovenskim pritožbenim postopkom, v primerjavi s pritožbenimi postopki v nekaterih državah Evropske unije. To so Velika Britanija – Wales, Nizozemska, Finska in Madžarska. Nadalje, je v diplomskem delu v manjši meri opisan tudi izkustveni vidik. Okvir navedenemu predstavljajo zakonske in podzakonske določbe postopka pritožb. Slednje smo ovrednotili z zgodovinskimi spoznanji oziroma z zgodovinskim vidikom. Uvodoma smo namreč analizirali spremembe zakonodaje in izpostavili najpomembnejše mejnike v razvoju opisanega področja. V diplomskem delu je zajet tudi statistično analitični vidik, ki pokaže trend manjšanja števila pritožb. Zakaj je tako razpravljamo v diplomskem delu. Pritožbeni postopek v Sloveniji je poln nedorečenosti, ki jih občutijo policisti. In če policisti izvajajo zakonite postopke nad osebami, ki jim je primarni cilj, da bi se izognili kazni, pritožba postane, vsaj dolgoročno, vrsta prisile nad uslužbencem. V tem delu smo upoštevali tudi simbolični vidik moči, ki ga ima lahko policijska uniforma. Namen diplomskega dela je bil prikazati različne vidike reševanja pritožb v Sloveniji in poudariti del postopka, ki je bil v znanstvenih krogih spregledan, izpuščen. Če torej statistični podatki pokažejo zmanjšanje števila pritožb in hkrati večjo utemeljenost, kaj to pomeni za policiste. Pritožbe so pogosto utemeljene po mnenju laikov, ki sestavljajo senat.
Keywords:policija, policijsko delo, pritožbeni postopki, primerjave, Slovenija, Hrvaška, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:[Ljubljana
Publisher:J. Mustar]
Year of publishing:2013
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-40358 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2609642 New window
Publication date in DKUM:19.06.2013
MUSTAR, Jernej, 2013, Pritožbeni postopek v policiji - primerjava z Republiko Hrvaško in mednarodnimi civilnimi misijami : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varstvoslovje [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : J. Mustar. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=40358
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Secondary language

Abstract:Diploma thesis illustrates several views of the of complaints process in Slovenia. First there is a comparative aspect of explaining the appeal. The primary premise is explaining complaints procedure, which applicable in Slovenia and compared with those applicable on Croatia and those applicable in the context of international peacekeeping missions. Further we describe some differences between the Slovenian complaints procedure, compared with challenge procedures in some countries of the European Union. These are the United Kingdom - Wales, Netherlands, Finland and Hungary. Furthermore, the thesis describes parts of experiential aspect. The framework to that, presents statutory and regulatory provisions of the of complaints procedure. The latter was evaluated by historical knowledge and the historical aspects. At the outset, we have analyzed the changes in legislation and highlighted the most important milestones in the development of the described areas. The thesis also includes a statistical analysis perspective, which shows a declining trend in the number of complaints. Why is discussed in the thesis. Complaints procedure in Slovenia is full of incompleteness felt by police officers. And if the police carry out legal proceedings against persons who have the primary objective is to avoid penalties, the appeal becomes, at least in the long term, type of coercion of employees. In this work we also considered the symbolic aspect of power that it can police uniforms. The purpose of this diploma was to demonstrate the various aspects of dealing with complaints in Slovenia and emphasized part of the process, which was within the scientific community ignored, omitted. Therefore, if the statistics show a reduction in the number of complaints and at the same time increasing the merits what this means for the police. Complaints are often justified in the opinion of lay people that make up the Senate.


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