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Title:Življenje z multiplo sklerozo
Authors:ID Jakl, Dominika (Author)
ID Pajnkihar, Majda (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Križmarić, Miljenko (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Jakl_Dominika_2012.pdf (958,55 KB)
MD5: 27D0563FC24ADC1399B41F8A0EC2F1F2
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/e9b01a1a-8f5c-4625-9bad-d0a8fca2c97a
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:V magistrskem delu smo opredelili problematiko življenja obolelih za multiplo sklerozo s poudarkom na opredelitvi kakovosti življenja. Predstavili in opisali smo instrumente ocenjevanja kakovosti življenja ter njihovo uporabnost. Namen je bil raziskati, kakšna je kakovost življenja obolelih za multiplo sklerozo v Sloveniji ter ugotoviti morebitne razlike glede na demografske in klinične značilnosti. Raziskovalna metodologija. Uporabljena je bila kvantitativna metodologija. Podatke smo zbrali s pomočjo prirejenega specifičnega instrumenta FILMS. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 25 obolelih za multiplo sklerozo, ki so opravljali rehabilitacijo v enem od slovenskih zdravilišč. Rezultate smo obdelali s pomočjo računalniških programov Microsoft Office Word 2010, Microsoft Office Excel 2010 ter IBM SPSS Statistics 19. Rezultati raziskave. Skupno dosežena povprečna vrednost pri FILMS lestvici je znašala 70,32, kar govori o slabši kakovosti življenja. Rezultati so pokazali, da bolečina in utrujenost pomembno ovirata obolele v vsakdanjem življenju, nezadovoljni pa so tudi s telesnim delovanjem. S statističnimi testi smo potrdili, da starost, trajanje in oblika multiple skleroze pomembno vplivajo na kakovost življenja. Sklep. Ocena kakovosti življenja nam pove, kako multipla skleroza vpliva na življenje obolelega, pomaga pa nam tudi pri načrtovanju in vrednotenju zdravstvene oskrbe. V praksi te instrumente zaradi njihovih pomanjkljivosti le redko uporabljamo. S preizkušanjem in razvojem preprostih instrumentov ter predvidenih intervencij bi se njihova uporabnost povečala.
Keywords:multipla skleroza, kakovost življenja, z zdravjem povezana kakovost življenja, FILMS
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[D. Jakl]
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-36765 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:1822628 New window
Publication date in DKUM:05.07.2012
JAKL, Dominika, 2012, Življenje z multiplo sklerozo [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : D. Jakl. [Accessed 19 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=36765
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Secondary language

Title:Life with multiple sclerosis
Abstract:In this Master’s degree, we have defined the problems of life of people living with multiple sclerosis with emphasis on defining the quality of life. We presented and described the quality of life assessment instruments and their applicability. The purpuse was to explore the quality of life of people living with multiple sclerosis in Slovenia and to identify eventual differences regarding demographic and clinical characteristics. Research methodology. We applied the quantitative methodology. The data was collected using a modified specific FILMS instrument. The study included 25 people living with multiple sclerosis who were going through rehabilitation at one of ours health resort. The results were processed using computer programs Microsoft Office Word 2010, Microsoft Office Excel 2010, and IBM SPSS Statistics 19. Results. The total average value obtained in the FILMS scale was 70.32, which implies a lower quality of life. The results have shown that pain and fatigue significantly hinder the affected in their daily lives, and they are discontented with their body functions as well. With statistical tests, we have confirmed that age, duration and the type of multiple sclerosis have a significant impact on the quality of life. Conclusion. The quality of life assessment tells us in which way multiple sclerosis affects the life of a patient, but helps us to plan and evaluate health care as well. These instruments are rarely used in practice due to their deficiencies. By testing and development of simple instruments and anticipated interventions, their applicability would be increased.
Keywords:multiple sclerosis, quality of life, health-related quality of life, FILMS


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