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Authors:ID Šlaus, Anja (Author)
ID Kostanjevec, Boris (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 4C8FC0571E7737C95CA5298495F6D250
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/d4cc467b-1c8e-4df5-b765-0a2915269b4e
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:POVZETEK V diplomskem delu obravnavam varstvo potrošnikov. Področje je zelo široko, zato sem svoje delo omejila zgolj na kozmetične proizvode. Le-te dnevno uporabljamo in jih dokaj pogosto kupujemo, zato je prav, da se zavedamo svojih pravic in dolžnosti, ki jih imamo kot šibkejša stranka. Varstvo potrošnikov je ena izmed mlajših vej prava. Med samim šolanjem se le redko srečamo s to tematiko, še redkeje smo napoteni na specifične zakone oziroma organizacije, ki nam pri sporu lahko pomagajo. Večina ljudi tako sploh ne ve, kako ravnati in kam se obrniti, ko jim je kratena njihova pravica. Prav bi bilo, da bi vsak poznal vsaj osnovne določbe Zakona o varstvu potrošnika, ki je krovni zakon tega področja v Sloveniji. Obveznosti proizvajalcev, prodajalcev in dobaviteljev so podrobneje napisane (opisane) v drugih predpisih, v katerih je odvisno od proizvoda. Če je to kozmetični proizvod, je seveda v prvi vrsti Zakon o kozmetičnih proizvodih. Uporaba ustreznega predpisa je odvisna tudi od mesta nakupa, če je to trgovina uporabimo Zakon o trgovini, če je lekarna Zakon o lekarniški dejavnosti. V večini potrošniških sporov je problem cena, predvsem napačna označitev le-te. V takšnem primeru ne bo dovolj le poznavanje Zakona o varstvu potrošnikov, ampak bo treba prelistati tudi Pravilnik o načinu označevanja cen blaga in storitev. Ker je Slovenija članica Evropske unije, smo podvrženi harmonizaciji prava na tem področju. V interesu skupnosti je, da bi bilo pravo v članicah poenoteno, predvsem zaradi skupnega trga. Naloga vsebuje nekaj direktiv oziroma uredb, ki se nanašajo na kozmetične proizvode. Potrošnik si kot šibkejša stranka v sporu le redko lahko privošči sodno pot. Vedno bolj se razvijajo alternativne oblike reševanja sporov, prav tako pa so potrošniku na voljo razne organizacije ter inšpektorati, ki vstopijo v spor.
Keywords:Ključne besede: potrošnik, kozmetika, cene, rok trajanja, deklaracija, pravno varstvo, organizacije, evropsko pravo, inšpekcija.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Šlaus]
Year of publishing:2011
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-21658 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4301611 New window
Publication date in DKUM:03.01.2012
ŠLAUS, Anja, 2011, VARSTVO POTROŠNIKOV KOZMETIČNIH PROIZVODOV [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : A. Šlaus. [Accessed 18 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=21658
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Secondary language

Abstract:ABSTRACT My Diploma paper deals with consumer protection. This subject is very wide therefore I decided to look only into the part about cosmetic products. We use and buy them daily. Therefore it is very important to be familiar with our rights and obligations in this field. Consumer protection is a more recent law practice. During our education process we are rarely in touch with the area and we are rarely posted to specific laws or organizations which could help us. Majority of us does not know what to do or who to ask when we are being aggrieved. We should be acquainted with the Consumer Protection Act (Zakon o varstvu potrošnikov), this is the main law in this field. Obligations of merchants, producers or suppliers are written in other regulations, in which depends on the case of product conflict. For cosmetic products and issues the Cosmetics Act (Zakon o kozmetičnih proizvodih) is appropriate. On the other hand, it depends also on the place where we are the consumer, it is not the same if we are in a store or in a pharmacy, because either one of them has its own business law. In most consumer law cases the problem is in the price, especially in a wrong marking of it. In this case we use the Consumer Protection Act (Zakon o varstvu potrošnikov) and Rules on price Indication for Goods and Services (Pravilnik o načinu označevanja cen blaga in storitev). We are in the European Union and therefore we are also being a subject of harmonization in this field. Shared market is the reason why European regulations should be equal. In diploma paper I am describing some directives related to the main topic. Consumer, as a weaker party of dispute, usually cannot afford the high costs of a Lawsuit. Nowadays, alternative forms of solving the conflicts are expanding because there are organizations and inspectorates which can help the weaker party.
Keywords:Keywords: consumer, cosmetic, price, expiration date, declaration, legal protection, organizations, European law, inspection.


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