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Title:GIUSEPPE VERDI: Traviata
Authors:ID Pančič Čurin, Nastja (Author)
ID Svete, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Pancic_Curin_Nastja_2011.pdf (583,48 KB)
MD5: 9DF5D3D6343EBD6BA4284381F7EF3709
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/7ebd5e55-3e3d-4c35-a22c-dbf24e06fb18
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:V 19. stoletju je na italijanskem opernem področju blestel Giuseppe Verdi. Konservatorij v Milanu, ki se danes postavlja z njegovim zvenečim imenom, je davnega leta 1832 mladega genija na sprejemnem izpitu gladko odklonil s suhoparno formulacijo: ˝Kandidat ni nadarjen za glasbo!˝ Verdi je moral zato svoje glasbene nauke poiskati zasebno pri maestru Lavigniju. Njegova trma in nezmerno zaupanje A. Barezzija (trgovca v Busettu, nedaleč od Verdijeve rojstne vasice), sta najverjetneje botrovali temu, da je vztrajal na tej poti. Njegovo življenje delimo na štiri obdobja: prvo obdobje je bilo med leti 1813 do 1839, drugo od 1839 do 1853, tretje od 1853 do 1871 in četrto od 1879 do 1901. »Traviata« je za mnoge ena najbolj priljubljenih Verdijevih oper. Preprosta zgodba o mladem plemiču Alfredu in njegovi ljubezni do bolehne kurtizane Violette je polna zanosa in grenke tragike. Socialni spor v »Traviati« se vidi v drugem dejanju, ko Alfredov oče zahteva od Violette, da sama prekine svojo vezo z Alfredom, ker se sicer njegova sestra ne bo mogla poročiti v ugledno družino, katera nasprotuje Alfredovi zvezi z Violetto. Tudi dejstvo, da je Violetta resnično prekinila s svojo preteklostjo, ne pomaga nič. Ona mora biti žrtev za Alfredovo družino in iz te žrtve se razvije nit tragedije do finala. Že od prvega dejanja je prisotna še ena usodna stvar in sicer Violettina bolezen, katera jo spremlja v njenem burnem življenju in uničuje v času, ko je ostala sama in zapuščena s strani vseh drugih. Glasbeni slog je speven, strasten in dramatičen.
Keywords:zgodovina opere, Giuseppe Verdi, »Traviata«, analiza opere
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[N. Pančič Čurin]
Year of publishing:2011
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-21354 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:18810632 New window
Publication date in DKUM:12.12.2011
PANČIČ ČURIN, Nastja, 2011, GIUSEPPE VERDI: Traviata [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : N. Pančič Čurin. [Accessed 15 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=21354
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Title:GIUSEPPE VERDI: Traviata
Abstract:In the 19th century, Giuseppe Verdi was one of the most influential composers of Italian opera. The Milan Conservatory, which today bears the illustrious name Giuseppe Verdi, denied the young genius admittance in 1832 because he was “lacking in musical talent.” Verdi thus studied privately with the composer Lavigne. His persistence was probably due to his stubbornness but undoubtedly also the immense trust of A. Barezzi, a merchant from Busetto, a town not far away from Verdi’s birth village. His life can be divided into four periods: from 1813 to 1839, from 1839 to 1853, from 1853 to 1871 and from 1879 to 1901. La Traviata is one of Verdi’s most popular operas. The simple story about the young aristocrat Alfredo and his love for the sick courtesan Violetta is filled with enthusiasm and bitter tragedy. The social conflict in La Traviata emerges in the second act, when Alfredo’s father demands from Violetta that she break off her relationship with his son, since otherwise Alfredo’s sister will not be able to marry into a respected family that opposes Alfredo's relationship with Violetta. Even the realisation that Violetta has completely abandoned her former life does not help. She has to make a sacrifice for Alfredo’s family and this sacrifice starts the thread of tragedy building to the finale. From the first act, Violetta’s disease is another fateful point that accompanies Violetta in her tumultuous life and destroys her at a time when she is left alone and abandoned by all. The style is melodious, passionate and dramatic.
Keywords:opera history, Giuseppe Verdi, La Traviata, opera analysis


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