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Title:Analitične in senzorične lastnosti ekološko pridelanih kultivarjev paradižnika (Lycopersicum esculentum L.)
Authors:ID Lang, Silvija (Author)
ID Bavec, Martina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Lang_Silvija_2011.pdf (1,05 MB)
MD5: 92D89073795EA0D3E5BD7B9AE0E34825
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/10529db3-1a8e-4f37-9d34-0d0bf8859101
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:V diplomsko raziskavo je bilo vključenih sedem različnih kultivarjev paradižnika: 'Rdeča češnja', 'White Beauty', 'Green Zebra', 'Optima F1', 'Hellfrucht', 'Yellow Submarine' in 'Zuckertraube', ki so bili v letu 2009 ekološko pridelani v kolekciji na poskusnem polju Fakultete za kmetijstvo in biosistemske vede. Izvrednotena je bila masa, barva in trdota plodov ter vsebnost sladkorja. V plodovih je bila analizirana vsebnost karotenoidov in nekaterih fenolnih kislin. Ocenjevalci so lastnosti paradižnika  videz (barva, oblika); konsistenca (čvrstost, sočnost); okus (kislost, sladkost) in skupni vtis (celovita jedilna kakovost in sprejemljivost paradižnika) ocenjevali na 10 cm premici. Kultivar je statistično značilno vplival na vse parametre, merjene na plodovih, ter na vsebnost karotenoidov in fenolnih kislin. Po pričakovanjih so največ likopena vsebovali rdeče obarvani plodovi kultivarjev 'Rdeča češnja', 'Optima F1' in 'Hellfrucht'. Pri ocenah senzorike so po nekaterih lastnostih (barva, oblika in sočnost) bili značilno više ocenjeni kultivarji rdeče barve, glede na rezultate pri skupnem vtisu pa sta se izkazala kot najbolj všečna kultivarja 'Hellfrucht' in 'Green Zebra'.
Keywords:paradižnik, kutivar, ekološko kmetijstvo, kemijska analiza, senzorične lastnosti
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2011
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-20782 New window
Publication date in DKUM:13.10.2011
LANG, Silvija, 2011, Analitične in senzorične lastnosti ekološko pridelanih kultivarjev paradižnika (Lycopersicum esculentum L.) [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=20782
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Secondary language

Title:Analytical and sensory properties of organically grown tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum L.)
Abstract:In our study we included seven different tomatoe cultivars: 'Rdeča češnja', 'White Beauty', 'Green Zebra', 'Optima F1', 'Hellfrucht', 'Yellow Submarine' and 'Zuckertraube', which were organically grown in 2009 in the trial field of the Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences. We measured weight, colour, hardness of the skin and sugar content in each cultivar. Next, we carried out chemical analysis to determine the content of carotenoids and some phenolic acids. We also assessed sensory properties by hedonic testing. The evaluators were assessing appearance (colour, shape); consistency (firmnesst, juiciness); taste (acidity, sweetness) and overall impression using a ten-point graphic scale. Cultivars had a statistically significant effect on the assessed tomatoe properties, and the contents of carotenoids and phenolic acids. Red coloured cultivars 'Rdeča češnja', 'Optima F1' and 'Hellfrucht' had the highest lycopene content. All the properties (colour, shape, juciness) of red cultivars were statistically significantly higher rated in sensory evaluation, and the cultivars 'Hellfrucht' and 'Green Zebra' recieved the highest score for overall impression.
Keywords:tomato, cultivar, organic agriculture, chemical analysis, sensory properties


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