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Title:Kakovost življenja mladostnikov s celiakijo
Authors:ID Šućurović, Megi (Author)
ID Lorber, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Kegl, Barbara (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Sucurovic_Megi_2011.pdf (726,16 KB)
MD5: 2535971EBD802188D05A233C3DE7516B
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/426b779f-7bfb-4295-86ce-83a7c8973b0e
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:POVZETEK Teoretična izhodišča: Celiakija je kronična bolezen tankega črevesa, ki je posledica preobčutljivosti na gluten. Gluten je osnovni protein zrnja pšenice, podobne proteine najdemo v zrnju ječmena, rži in ovsa. Gluten povzroča poškodbe sluznice tankega črevesa, kar ima za zmanjšano funkcijo tega dela črevesa in motnje v presnovi prehrane. Mladostniki od 15-19 let so ena izmed najranljivejših populacij, saj v tem obdobju pogosto samovoljno prenehajo z dieto. Namen: Cilj raziskave je bil, ugotoviti ali mladostniki s celiakijo živijo kakovostno življenje. Zanimalo nas je ali mladostniki kršijo dieto in zakaj. Metode: Raziskava je potekala s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, ki je vseboval 18 vprašanj, od tega 12 vprašanj zaprtega in 6 vprašanj polodprtega tipa. Anketiranih je bilo 50 mladostnikov starih od 10 do 24 let. Vsi anketirani mladostniki so člani Slovenskega društva za celiakijo. Rezultati in diskusije: Raziskava je pokazala, da več kot polovica anketiranih mladostnikov živi kakovostno življenje kljub bolezni, da nimajo težav z druženjem in da jih bolezen pri tem ne ovira. Velika večina pa se tudi dosledno drži brezglutenske diete. Še vedno pa je kar nekaj mladostnikov, ki zaradi celiakije nima prijateljev, ne živi dovolj kakovostno in se ne drži brezglutenske diete. Zato je še toliko bolj pomembna zdravstvena vzgoja mladostnikov s strani medicinskih sester ter osveščanje javnosti.
Keywords:Ključne besede: celiakija, gluten, brezglutenska dieta, mladostniki, zdravstvena vzgoja.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2011
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-19290 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:1719204 New window
Publication date in DKUM:27.09.2011
ŠUĆUROVIĆ, Megi, 2011, Kakovost življenja mladostnikov s celiakijo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 22 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=19290
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Secondary language

Title:Quality of life of adolescents with celiac disease
Abstract:ABSTRACT Introduction: Celiac disease is a chronic disease of the small intestine, resulting as sensitivity to gluten. Gluten is basic protein of wheat grain we find similar proteins in grain of barley, rye an oats. Gluten causes damage to the lining of the small intestine, which has a reduced function of this part of the colon and metabolic disorders diet. Youth from 15-19 years is one of the most vulnerable populations, because in this period they often arbitrarily stop dieting. Aim: The aim of this study was to determinate whether adolescents with celiac disease live quality life. We wanted to see if adolescents violate diet and why. Methods: The research was conducted through a questionnaire which contained 18 questions, 12 of them was closed and 6 of them semi-open type. We questioned 50 adolescents in age of 10 to 24. All of them are members of Slovenian society for celiac disease. Results and discussion: the survey showed that more than half of surveyed adolescents live quality life despite the disease, they have no problems with socializing and the disease don’t effect on them. Vast majority of youth also consistently stick to a gluten-free diet. But it is still quite a few adolescents who doesn’t have no friends because of celiac disease, doesn't live enough high quality life and don’t consistently stick to a gluten-free diet. That is why health education by nurses it’s and raising awareness is even more important.
Keywords:celiac disease, gluten, gluten-free diet, youth, health education.


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