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Title:SKRIVNOSTNE VIBRACIJE GONGA: vpliv planetarnih gongov na psihofizično počutje pevcev
Authors:ID Bračič, Marko (Author)
ID Pesek, Albinca (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Bracic_Marko_2011.pdf (2,29 MB)
MD5: 8ED4B3B112A1071C1156FA4A78CFE1C5
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/7e4d3234-94fc-4e4e-be30-9de44472f1c9
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Zvoki ne vplivajo na nas samo takrat, kadar jih poslušamo namensko, ampak vsak trenutek, ko naše telo sprejema raznolike zvočne vibracije. Kvantna fizika dokazuje, da atom ni najmanjši delec materije, temveč skupek energijskih vibracij. Zvok je most med energijskim in materialnim svetom. Če znamo zvok prenesti preko tega mostu, lahko postane zdravilo. Veliko ljudi zavrača »obrede«, ki izhajajo iz preteklosti in vključujejo zgolj lastno telo in inštrument. Uporabljajo pa tablete, katerih sestave sploh ne poznajo. So postali ples, zvok in smeh človeku bolj tuji in nerazumljivi kot kemija? V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela je predstavljeno zavedanje človeštva o skrivnostni moči zvoka. Kot zdravilo se je pojavil že v prazgodovini in ostal prisoten tudi pozneje. Gong je eden izmed najstarejših inštrumentov, ki se je neodvisno pojavil v različnih kulturah kot medij za zdravljenje. V nalogi je prikazana raziskava o njegovem izvoru, zvoku, lastnostih, uporabi, načinu igranja ter o njegovem vplivu na izbrano skupino. Empirični del naloge vsebuje raziskavo vpliva planetarnih gongov na psihofizično počutje pevcev. Rezultati raziskave so aplicirani na izvajanje vzgojno-izobraževalnega procesa in pedagoškega dela nasploh.
Keywords:Glasbena terapija, planetarni gongi, zvočna masaža, zvočna kopel.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Bračič]
Year of publishing:2011
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-18375 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:18405640 New window
Publication date in DKUM:30.05.2011
BRAČIČ, Marko, 2011, SKRIVNOSTNE VIBRACIJE GONGA: vpliv planetarnih gongov na psihofizično počutje pevcev [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : M. Bračič. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=18375
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Secondary language

Title:SECRET VIBRATIONS OF THE GONG: influence of the planetary gongs on the singer's psychophysical wellbeing
Abstract:Sounds do not affect us only when we are listening intentionally, but at all times, always when our bodies are receiving diverse sound vibrations. Quantum physics proves that an atom is not the smallest particle of matter, but a cluster of energy vibrations. The sound represents a bridge between the realm of energy and the realm of matter. If one knows how to transmit the sound across that bridge, the sound can become a healing medium. Many people are rejecting past “rituals” which only include one’s own body and an instrument. But they do use pills, the substance of which they know nothing of. Have dance, sound and laughter become more foreign and incomprehensible to a human than chemistry? The theoretical part of this thesis describes the awareness of humanity regarding the secret power of sound. It played the role of a healing method as early as in prehistoric times and retained it later on. The gong is one of the oldest instruments and has appeared independently in many cultures as a healing medium. This thesis encompasses a research into its origins, sound, characteristics, use, methods of playing and its effect on a chosen group. The empirical part of this thesis encompasses a research of the effect the planetary gongs have on a psychophysical state of singers. The results of the empirical research have been applied to the education process and the pedagogical work in general.
Keywords:Music therapy, planetary gongs, sound massage, sound bath.


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