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Title:Pravne in strokovne podlage za varstvo in zdravje pri delu v RS iz vidika preventive nasilja in trpičenja na delovnem mestu : diplomsko delo
Authors:ID Oplotnik, Jasmina (Author)
ID Murtič, Sašo (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Oplotnik_Jasmina_i2010.pdf (1001,89 KB)
MD5: 00D08C098F5B8AA9D4FA5E33A9E39C51
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/aa07a007-2893-457a-95bb-6d3ffa373567
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:Diploma, ki jo imate pred seboj je pogojena z osebnimi izkušnjami, ki sem jih imela v podjetju, v katerem sem zaposlena. Laţi, podtikanja, šikaniranja, vse to je pripeljalo tako daleč, da sem začela iskati izgovore, da mi nebi bilo treba iti v sluţbo. Ko so se stvari uredile sem se obrnila nazaj in razmislila, kolikšna izguba je bila to za moje podjetje, zamislila sem se, koliko takšnih primerov se še dogaja in kakšno ekonomsko škodo trpi podjetje zaradi nasilja in trpinčenja. V diplomi sem opisala oblike nasilja, pojavnost nasilja, kdo so vršilci in kdo tarče nasilja, posledice nasilja, posledice trpinčenja. Osredotočila sem se na vidik zakonodaje v povezavi nadlegovanja in trpinčenja na delovnem mestu, uresničevanjem načela enakega obravnavanja na delovnem mestu in na posebno zaščito delavcev. V zaključnem delu diplome je anketa, ki sem jo naredila in uporabila kot tehniko za mojo krajšo raziskavo nasilja in trpinčenja na delovnem mestu med nekaj delavkami delovne organizacije, v kateri delam. Anketa je dala zanimive rezultate v kombinaciji z anekdotami teh istih delavk o njihovih izkušnjah nasilja in trpinčenja na delovnem mestu. Na koncu sem dodala poglavje z nekaj mislimi o tem, kako preprečevati in ustaviti trpinčenje na delovnem mestu.
Keywords:viktimizacija, absentizem, stres na delovnem mestu, mobibing, šikaniranje
Place of publishing:Celje
Publisher:[J. Oplotnik]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-18292 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:512293693 New window
Publication date in DKUM:05.05.2011
OPLOTNIK, Jasmina, 2010, Pravne in strokovne podlage za varstvo in zdravje pri delu v RS iz vidika preventive nasilja in trpičenja na delovnem mestu : diplomsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Celje : J. Oplotnik. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=18292
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Secondary language

Title:Legal and technical basis for the protection and health in the rs from the viewpoint of violence prevention and harassment at work
Abstract:Diploma, that you have infront of you, is based on personal experiences, I have had in the company in which I am working. Lies, imputations, harassment, all this has led so far that I started to look for excuses not go to work. When things were regulated, I turned back and consider what a loss it was for my company, I imagined how many such cases are still going on and what kind of economic damage the company suffered due to mobbing (the legislation of the Republic Slovenia named this phenomen as violence and harassment at work, what is now the official ehspression for this phenomen). In diploma I described the forms of violence, the appearance of violence, who are the vicegerent and who the targets of violence, the consequences of violence and the consequences of maltreatment. I was focused on legislation view in relation to harassment and maltreatment in the workplace, on the provisions of the implementation of the equal treatment principles and on specific worker's protection. In the closing part of diploma is the survey I drafted and used as the technic instrument for my short research of mobbing among some employees in the company, I'm working in. It gave interesting results in combination with anecdotes of the same employees about their experiances of mobbing at their work. At the end I added a chapter with some thoughts how to prevent and stop harassment and violence at work.
Keywords:victimization, absenteeism, stres at work, mobbing, harassment


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