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Authors:ID Stanković, Ana (Author)
ID Stričević, Jadranka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Pahor, Dušica (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Stankovic_Ana_2011.pdf (8,03 MB)
MD5: 74F709AA5AEF7C0E2E30BED1C331D9E6
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/ef55be36-b985-4b26-8b09-925b8539d89b
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Diplomsko delo opisuje strabizem ter zdravstveno nego otrok s strabizmom in sicer od pregleda in sprejema pa do operativnega posega in po njem. Metodologija raziskovanja. Pri izdelavi diplomskega dela smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela, zbiranje in analizo podatkov s pregledom ustrezne domače in tuje literature. Za zbiranje podatkov smo kot raziskovalni instrument uporabili anonimni anketni vprašalnik, ki je vseboval deset vprašanj zaprtega in polodprtega tipa. Raziskovalni vzorec so predstavljale medicinske sestre in tehniki zdravstvene nege, ki so zaposleni na oddelku za očesne bolezni Univerzitetnega kliničnega centra (UKC) Maribor. Razdeljenih, izpolnjenih in vrnjenih je bilo 20 vprašalnikov. Pridobljene podatke smo statistično obdelali in grafično prikazali s pomočjo računalniških programov Microsoft Excel in Microsoft Word. Rezultati. Ugotovili smo, da je hospitalizacija otrok s strabizmom redka, saj se z zgodnjim odkrivanjem in pravočasnim zdravljenjem izognemo operativnemu posegu. Najpogostejši očesni odklon hospitaliziranih otrok je navznoter (konvergentni strabizem). Kadar je potrebna operacija je vloga medicinske sestre pri obravnavi otrok pred in po operativnem posegu strabizma ključnega pomena. Saj mora ta zmanjšati njegov strah, ki je pred operacijo še posebej prisoten. Sklep. Medicinska sestra je vključena v vse aktivnosti zdravstvene obravnave otroka. Izvaja strokovno zdravstvene nego ter prav tako vzdržuje vez med otrokom in njegovimi starši v času hospitalizacije. Otroci in starši morajo v medicinski sestri videti osebo, kateri lahko zaupajo in jih vedno sprejme z odprtimi rokami. Prav tako ima izjemen pomen zdravstveno - vzgojno delo medicinske sestre ob odpustu, saj starše otrok osvešča, spodbuja in motivira.
Keywords:strabizem, otrok, starši, medicinska sestra, zdravstvena nega
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Stanković]
Year of publishing:2011
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-17650 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:1688996 New window
Publication date in DKUM:12.05.2011
STANKOVIĆ, Ana, 2011, ZDRAVSTVENA NEGA OTROK S STRABIZMOM [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : A. Stanković. [Accessed 15 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=17650
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Secondary language

Title:Health care of children with strabismus
Abstract:The diploma paper describes strabismus and medical care of children with strabismus from the examination and hospitalization to surgery and recovery. Research methodology. For writing the diploma paper we used the descriptive method, such as collecting and analyzing information, which we acquired by examining suitable domestic and foreign literature. We used an anonymous questionnaire as research instrument for gathering information, which contained ten closed and semi-closed questions. Research population was represented by medical nurses and medical care technicians, which are employed in the Department of Ophthalmology at the University Clinical Centre (UCC) Maribor. Twenty questionnaires were distributed, filled in and returned. Gathered information was statistically processed in graphically presented with computer programmes Microsoft Excel in Microsoft Word. Results. We have discovered that hospitalization of children with strabismus is rare, because surgery can be avoided by early detection and treatment. Inward eye deviation (convergent strabismus) is the most common type of eye deviation of hospitalized children. The role of a medical nurse in treating children before and after the surgery, when one is required, is crucial, because it has to reduce the children’s fear, which is especially present before the surgery. Conclusion. Medical nurses are included in all the activities of the child’s medical treatment. They perform professional medical care and maintain a special bond between the hospitalized children and their parents. A medical nurse has to represent a person they can trust and who will allays give them a friendly reception. The nurse’s educational-medical work after the child’s discharge from hospital is also extremely important, because they spread awareness and encourage the parents.
Keywords:strabismus, child, parents, medical nurse, health care


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