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Authors:ID Uršič, Evgen (Author)
ID Bobek, Samo (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Ursic_Evgen_2011.pdf (7,00 MB)
MD5: F7C16BBCDD578DF4FF489E7790B8EC9E
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/36e668c2-e635-4470-a4f4-a3d46fe65919
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Organizacije se v današnjem tehnološko zelo naprednem času nenehno soočajo s potrebo po nadgrajevanju, izboljševanju ter optimiranju poslovnih procesov na vseh nivojih poslovanja. Ponavadi se izboljševanja lotevajo hkrati s prenovo in informatizacijo poslovnih procesov. Dokumenti v papirni obliki v podjetjih še vedno predstavljajo velik del internega poslovanja in interakcije s poslovnimi partnerji ter strankami. Hkrati s tem se kopičijo tudi stroški, neučinkovitost poslovanja, izguba dokumentov, upočasnjena je dostopnost in s tem manjša učinkovitost dela in kopičenje vedno večjega števila dokumentov. Za doseganje konkurenčne prednosti na trgu so podjetja prisiljena uvesti določene ukrepe, ki bi jim olajšali poslovanje in upravljanje z dokumenti. Sistemi za elektronsko obvladovanje dokumentov prinašajo odgovor na večino tegob, ki jih zaznavajo odgovorni v organizacijah na področju upravljanja dokumentov. Hitrost dostopa do informacij je v sodobnem poslovnem okolju ključni element strateško pomembnih odločitev. V ta namen morajo rešitve omogočiti preglednejše, hitrejše ter bolj ekonomično iskanje ter hranjenje dokumentov. Organizacije z uvedbo sodobnih sistemskih rešitev pridobijo bolj optimizirano in poenostavljeno delo z dokumenti. Razvrstitvena hramba, kontrola življenjskega cikla ter visoka varnost in zanesljivost so le del ključnih lastnosti dokumentnih sistemov. Vendar pa s seboj prinašajo tudi tveganja, zato je premišljena odločitev o uvedbi takšnega sistema še kako na mestu. Namen magistrske naloge je bil spoznati rešitve pri uvajanju sistemov za upravljanje z dokumenti v poslovne procese s poudarkom na strategijah varne hrambe e-dokumentov. Želeli smo ugotoviti ali je za večje podjetje učinkoviteje z vidika optimizacije poslovnih procesov uvesti lastni sistem varne hrambe digitalnih dokumentov, kot to ponuja zunanji izvajalec, ali je za večje podjetje na daljši rok stroškovno ugodnejša investicija v lastno infrastrukturo ter ponujanje storitve varne hrambe digitalnih dokumentov drugim poslovnim uporabnikom, ter ugotoviti kakšna je pravna podlaga na področju hranjenja in uničevanja papirnih dokumentov ter verodostojnosti elektronskih dokumentov na sodišču. Cilj magistrske naloge je bil na konkretnih primerih dokumentnih sistemov prikazati njihovo vlogo v poslovanju in v povezavi z informacijskimi sistemi. Na ta način smo povečali učinkovitost dokumentnih sistemov in prikazali celovito podporo poslovnim procesom. Skozi nalogo smo predstavili vlogo dokumentnih sistemov pri obvladovanju poslovnih procesov, njihove funkcionalnosti, na konkretnem primeru smo pogledali kako poteka uvajanje dokumentnega sistema, seznanili smo se z varnostjo, zakonsko ureditvijo in tehničnimi standardi. Predstavili smo koncept tako notranjega kot zunanjega izvajanja storitve upravljanja z dokumenti, argumentirali razloge za ali proti ter na konkretnih primerih iz prakse prikazali primerjalno analizo.
Keywords:Sistemi za upravljanje z dokumenti, optimizacija poslovnih procesov, zakonski predpisi, revizijska sled, akreditacija storitev, notranja pravila, zunanje in notranje izvajanje dejavnosti.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:E. Uršič
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-17237 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:10644508 New window
Publication date in DKUM:11.05.2011
URŠIČ, Evgen, 2010, UVAJANJE REŠITVE ZA UPRAVLJANJE Z DOKUMENTI V POSLOVNE PROCESE S POUDARKOM NA STRATEGIJAH VARNE HRAMBE E-DOKUMENTOV [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : E. Uršič. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=17237
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Title:Implementation of document management systems solutions into business processes with the emphasis on the strategies of secure e-documents retention
Abstract:In today’s rapidly technological progress the organizations are constantly facing the need to upgrade, improve and optimize their business processes on every level. The improvement usually starts simultaneously with business processes renovation and informatization. Paper form documents are still the major part of the company’s inner communications and interactions with their business partners and clients. At the same time the costs are increasing, the work is inefficient, the lost of the documents are getting higher, and the access is limited. Therefore the work efficiently is low and the numbers of documents are constantly rising. To achieve competitive edge the companies are forced to impose some measures to ease their business and easily manage their documents. Electronic document management systems can solve a lot of problems for the middle management in the company especially on the field of documents. The key elements for strategic decisions in today’s modern business environment are information’s. To access that information’s at the right time and at the right place the system solutions must enable more visible, faster and economical search and archive the documents. When implementing system solutions the companies gain more optimized and simplified document management. Hierarchical data retention, controlled lifecycle of the documents, high information and data security and reliability are just a few key elements of the document systems. Despite all, we still have to take some safety measures and deliberate decisions for the risks that can come by when implementing document systems. The purpose of the final thesis is to find out new solutions when implementing electronic document systems into business processes with the emphasis on the strategic and safe electronic document archiving. We were eager to find out if it is on the long term for the companies more cost effective if they invest and implement their own document system based on their knowledge or is it more efficient to outsource business process to the specific provider. Does it pays off if we offer our own internal knowledge based electronic document management system to the other business end users who cannot afford or don’t have enough bigger infrastructure for their own system. We also try to figure out the legislation on the field of archiving and destroying of documents and credibility of the electronic document to stand trial. The goal and purpose of this thesis is to show electronic document management systems case studies and their deep involvement in business everyday life. By doing so, we have shown the role that document management systems have when controlling and supporting business processes their functionalities and effectiveness. With case studies we took a deep look into electronic document management system implementation, their data security, legislation and technical standards. We have introduced the concept of insourcing and outsourcing, their competitive advantages and comparatively assess.
Keywords:Electronic document management systems, business process management, legislation, audit trail, service accreditation, internal rules, insourcing, outsourcing.


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