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Title:Lokalni odziv skupnih proteinov v lubju navadne smreke na tretiranje s salicilno kislino in napad podlubnikov
Authors:ID Gjergjek, Robi (Author)
ID Urbanek Krajnc, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Kristl, Janja (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UNI_Gjergjek_Robi_2010.pdf (799,22 KB)
MD5: A53CA1C51B3E41B29CE6B636BA23A8FB
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/9149c7ce-87df-4148-ad07-36308c871cf0
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:Osmerozobi smrekov lubadar (Ips typographus L.) je najpomembnejši škodljivec navadne smreke v Evropi. Na leto se zaradi napada podlubnikov v Sloveniji v povprečju poseka 350000 m3 lesa. Njegovo aktivnost smo spremljali skozi celotno vegetacijsko dobo leta 2008 in določili dva maksimalna naleta konec maja in konec julija, kar sovpada z visokimi temperaturami in sušnim obdobjem. V drugem sklopu poskusa smo odseke debel navadne smreke tretirali s 100 mM salicilno kislino, ki je kot signalna molekula sposobna inicirati gene za sintezo obrambnih proteinov. Preučili smo vpliv tretiranja s salicilno kislino na vsebnost skupnih proteinov v sekundarnem floemu navadne smreke od inicialnega napada do uspešne naselitve podlubnikov. Pri prvem vzorčenju (13. 4. 2007) smo pri tretiranih drevesih izmerili nižjo vsebnost skupnih proteinov v primerjavi z netretiranimi kontrolnimi drevesi, medtem ko smo sredi maja določili 97,5 % porast proteinov v lubju tretiranih kontrolnih dreves v primerjavi z netretiranimi drevesi. Pri tretjem vzorčenju (15. 6. 2007) smo določili kvantitativne razlike v obrambnem odzivu skupnih proteinov zmerno napadenih dreves in močno napadenih dreves. V močno napadenih drevesih je vsebnost skupnih proteinov padla, vendar so bile višje vrednosti pri tretiranih, močno napadenih drevesih v primerjavi z netretiranimi. Pri zmerno napadenih drevesih smo zaznali akumulacijo skupnih proteinov v lubju. Najvišjo vsebnost skupnih proteinov smo izmerili pri tretiranih, zmerno napadenih, drevesih, kar nakazuje, da je tretiranje s salicilno kislino vzpodbudilo uspešen obrambni odziv dreves in zavrlo naselitev podlubnikov.
Keywords:salicilna kislina, skupni proteini, navadna smreka [Picea abies (L.) H. Karst], osmerozobi smrekov lubadar (Ips typographus L.), aktivnost podlubnikov
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-17052 New window
Publication date in DKUM:11.01.2011
GJERGJEK, Robi, 2010, Lokalni odziv skupnih proteinov v lubju navadne smreke na tretiranje s salicilno kislino in napad podlubnikov [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 18 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=17052
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Secondary language

Title:The local protein response in the phloem of Norway spruce after salicylic acid treatment and bark beetle attack
Abstract:The eight-toothed spruce bark beetle (lps typographus L.) is the most important pest of Norway spruce in Europe. Due to bark beetle attack,close to 350000 m3 timber is felled annually in Slovenia. Its activity was monitored through the entire vegetation period in 2008 and two maximum attacks were identified at the end of May and July, which coincided with high temperatures and dry season. Stem sections of the Norway spruce were treated with 100 mM salicylic acid in the second part of the experiment, in order to examine its impact on total protein contents in the secondary phloem from initial attack to successful colonization of bark beetles. Salicylic acid as a signaling molecule is able to induce the expressions of many defense-related genes for the synthesis of defense proteins through different pathways. At the first sampling date (13.4.2007), we measured a lower amount of total proteins in treated trees when compared to untreated control ones, while we noted the increase of proteins by 97, 5 % in the bark of treated control trees compared to the untreated ones in the middle of May. On 15 June 2007, quantitative differences in protein response were determined between moderately and strongly infested trees. In massively infested trees, the total protein contents dropped, but the values were higher than in the treated strongly infested trees compared with the untreated ones. The highest amount of total proteins was measured in treated moderately infested trees, suggesting that treatment with salicylic acid stimulated a successful defense response and inhibited the colonization of bark beetles.
Keywords:salicylic acid, total proteins, Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) H. Karst], eight-toothed spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus L.), bark beetle activity period.


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