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Title:Vpliv sredstva Mineral podjetja AS AN d.o.o. na rast in razvoj pšenice
Authors:ID Prah, Nina (Author)
ID Bavec, Franc (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 47ADB2B043EAD4A45B2125F251AA5589
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/53ef0048-6e3b-45c6-86c9-625b749d9339
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:Sredstva za nego in krepitev rastlin imajo širok spekter delovanja, povečujejo odpornost na različne bolezni, krepijo rast in pomagajo ohranjanjati naravno ravnovesje. Podlaga poskusa je tretiranje ozimne pšenice, sorte Soissons ter analiza učinkov vodnega pripravka Mineral v foliarnih aplikacijah v količini 12 ml 5,5m-2 (24 l ha-1). Tretiranje pšenice v triletnem poljskem poskusu se je izvajalo v različnih fazah razvoja, BBCH 05, BBCH 21/23, BBCH 32/33 in BBCH 47/49 na Kmetijsko Univerzitetnem centru v Mariboru. Skupni odmerek pa je v letu 2009 znašal 80 l ha-1. Podatki niso pokazali signifikantnih učinkov Minerala v pridelku (P ≥ 0,05) v primerjavi s kontrolnim obravnavanjem. Na drugi strani pa so imele tretirane rastline intenzivnejšo zeleno obarvanost listov in manjše spremembe v kakovosti rastlin. Prav tako ni bilo zaznati signifikantnih razlik med posameznimi obravnavanji in kontrolo pri morfoloških parametrih (dolžina klasa, število klaskov na klas, teža zrn na klas in število zrn na klas), kljub prisotnosti nekaterih trendov. Aplikacija z Mineralom je v povezavi z okoljsko klimatskimi razmerami pokazala ugodne učinke na razvoj pšenice, pokazal pa se ni signifikantni učinek na pridelek. Rezultati povečanega odmerka Minerala nakuzujejo na predmet nadaljne raziskave.
Keywords:rastni regulatorji, varstvo rastlin, pšenica, pridelek, Mineral
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-15904 New window
Publication date in DKUM:14.10.2010
PRAH, Nina, 2010, Vpliv sredstva Mineral podjetja AS AN d.o.o. na rast in razvoj pšenice [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 23 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=15904
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Secondary language

Title:The effect of Mineral for company AS An d.o.o on growth and development of wheat
Abstract:“Plant care” products applied to foliage have a variety of uses for plant protection, plant nutrition and other purposes. This study sets out to identify the effects of a foliar application of 12 ml 5.5m-2 (24 l h-1) of the water based product, Mineral, on the winter wheat cultivar, Soissons. Field trials were conducted over three years, on the BBCH 05, BBCH 21/23, BBCH 32/33, and BBCH 47/49 growth stages of winter wheat at the University of Maribor Agricultural Centre. An additional treatment at a dose of 80 l ha-1 was performed in 2009. The data show no significant effects of Mineral on the yield (P ≥ 0.05) compared with a control treatment. On the other hand, treated plants had the most intensively green leaves and a low variation in plant performance. Although there were no significant differences among the treatments and control in morphological parameters (spike length, spikelets per spike, kernel weight per spike and kernels per spike), some improvements were apparent. The application of Mineral in experimental circumstances had some beneficial effects on plant growth, but no significant effect on yield. The results of a higher dose of Mineral application in 2009 suggest the value of further investigations.
Keywords:plant growth regulators, plant protection, wheat, yield, Mineral


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