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Authors:ID Kegl, Tina (Author)
ID Brezovnik, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Kegl_Tina_2010.pdf (467,41 KB)
MD5: 8DABD2598F583A0F041EEA1DADFA96E2
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/e398cf08-1dd9-4413-97b7-f3266ee57cc7
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Javno — zasebno partnerstvo ni nova oblika sodelovanja javnega in zasebnega sektorja, jo pa države zaradi proračunskih omejitev na novo odkrivajo in uvajajo. Javno—zasebno partnerstvo se je najprej začelo uveljavljati v Veliki Britaniji, nato so ji sledile še številne druge države. Slovenija ga je uvedla relativno pozno. Prednost tega je, da se je lahko učila že na izkušnjah drugih. Javno—zasebno partnerstvo je pri nas opredeljeno v Zakonu o javno— zasebnem partnerstvu in nima enotne definicije. Kot projekte javno-zasebnih partnerstev lahko okvalificiramo vse projekte, kjer javni in zasebni sektor sodelujeta pri zagotavljanju izvajanja javne službe ali vzpostavitve javne infrastrukture. Javno zasebno partnerstvo delimo na pogodbeno in statusno javno zasebno partnerstvo, pri čemer k prvemu prištevamo koncesijsko javno—zasebno partnerstvo in javnonaročniško javno zasebno partnerstvo. V Sloveniji je najpogostejša oblika izvajanja javno—zasebnega partnerstva koncesijska oblika pogodbenega javno—zasebnega partnerstva. O koncesiji govorimo takrat, ko država ali občina kot koncedent v javnem interesu podeli posamezniku ali pravni osebi (koncesionarju) neko izključno pravico, to razmerje pa koncedent in koncesionar uredita s posebno koncesijsko pogodbo. Pri koncesijski pogodbi gre za prepletanje upravnega in civilnega prava. Koncesijsko pogodbo štejemo med mešane upravne akte, saj ima deloma značilnosti akta oblasti, deloma pa značilnosti akta poslovanja, kar z drugimi besedami pomeni, da po eni strani gre za koncesijski akt, s katerim se podeli neka izključna pravica ter na ta način avtoritativno uredi določeno pravno razmerje, po drugi strani pa je koncesija tudi akt poslovanja, s katerim država, lokalne skupnosti, državni organi ali organ lokalne skupnosti nastopajo kot pravne osebe, razpolagajo ali upravljajo s svojim premoženjem ter prevzemajo pravice in obveznosti.
Keywords:Javna služba, javno – zasebno partnerstvo, javni sektor, zasebni sektor, koncesija, koncesijsko razmerje, koncesijska pogodba, koncesijski akt, koncesionar, koncedent, javni interes, tveganja, infrastruktura.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Kegl]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-15553 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4131115 New window
Publication date in DKUM:28.09.2010
KEGL, Tina, 2010, POGODBENO JAVNO-ZASEBNO PARTNERSTVO [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : T. Kegl. [Accessed 18 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=15553
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Secondary language

Abstract:Public-private partnership is not a new form of cooperation between the public and the private sector. However, it is a form newly discovered and introduced by various states due to state budget limitations. The public-private partnership was first enforced in Great Britain. Numerous other countries followed. Slovenia introduced the partnership relatively late. The advantage of such circumstances is that Slovenia had a chance to learn from the experiences of other countries. The public-private partnership in Slovenia is defined by the Private-Private Partnership Act and it does not have a unified definition. All projects that include the cooperation of the public and the private sector in assuring the execution of public service or reinstatement of public infrastructure can be qualified as projects of the public-private partnerships. Public-private partnership is divided into contractual and equity public-private partnership. The first includes concession public-private partnership and public procurement public-private partnership. The most frequent form of enforcing public-private partnership in Slovenia is the concession partnership of the contractual public-private partnership. We can talk of concession when the state or the municipality, functioning as a concedente, imparts some exclusive right to an individual or to a legal person (concessionaire) in public interest. The relationship between the concedente and the concessionaire is settled by a concession contract. The concession contract combines features of administrative law and civil law. The concession contract is a part of mixed administrative acts because it portrays characteristics of state authority acts as well as commercial operation instruments. This means that on one hand we are dealing with a concession act which is used to bestow some exclusive right and thus authoritatively settle some specific legal relationship. On the other hand the concession is also a commercial operation instrument with which the state, local communities, state organs or an organ of local community appear as legal persons, freely use or manage their assets and assume rights and responsibilities.
Keywords:public service, public-private partnership, public sector, private sector, concession, concession relation, concession contract, concession act, concessionaire, concedente, public interest, risks, infrastructure.


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