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Authors:ID Tandler, Katja (Author)
ID Črčinovič Rozman, Janja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Habe, Katarina (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UNI_Tandler_Katja_2010.pdf (544,27 KB)
MD5: B7A7EB0DFF0E504E79694BF92F4A2725
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/afc3f5e6-70f4-497a-9e21-77412f63d578
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Diplomsko delo govori o motivaciji, in sicer natančneje opredeljuje motivacijo osnovnošolcev pri glasbenem pouku. V diplomskem delu smo skušali ugotoviti, kakšna je stopnja motiviranosti osnovnošolcev za glasbeni pouk. Pri tem smo se še posebej osredotočili na pojav različnih vrst in stopnje motiviranosti učencev za celotno področje predmeta glasbena vzgoja, vpliv učiteljev na učenčevo aktivnost pri pouku glasbe ter motivacijo za glasbo v vsakdanjem življenju. Podatki so bili pridobljeni s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika. Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna in kavzalno-neeksperimentalna metoda empiričnega pedagoškega raziskovanja. Raziskovali smo na priložnostnem vzorcu učencev (N = 107), ki so se razlikovali po spolu in starosti. Vzorec je zajemal učence četrtih, petih, osmih in devetih razredov. Iz rezultatov je razvidno, da igra glasba v vsakdanjiku učencev kar pomembno vlogo, pa tudi njihova stopnja motiviranosti za glasbeni pouk je temu primerno visoka. Aktivnosti pri pouku glasbe učenci kar pozitivno ocenjujejo, zaskrbljujoč pa je podatek o priljubljenosti učenja glasbene teorije in zgodovine. Le-ta kaže na to, da so učenci za ti dve aktivnosti najmanj zainteresirani. Poleg tega je iz rezultatov razvidno tudi to, da je glasbena vzgoja predmet, ki je med osnovnošolsko populacijo dokaj priljubljen, saj je na lestvici vrednotenja šolskih predmetov dosegel visoko mesto tako pri učencih na razredni, kot tudi pri učencih na predmetni stopnji. Rezultati torej kažejo na visoko stopnjo motiviranosti učencev za pouk glasbe, prav tako pa je glasbena vzgoja predmet z visoko stopnjo priljubljenosti med osnovnošolci.
Keywords:motivacija, teorije motivacije, glasbena vzgoja, model PPZZ
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[K. Tandler]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-14275 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:17712904 New window
Publication date in DKUM:06.07.2010
TANDLER, Katja, 2010, MOTIVACIJA OSNOVNOŠOLCEV PRI POUKU GLASBE [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : K. Tandler. [Accessed 18 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=14275
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Secondary language

Abstract:This diploma deals with motivation, more precisely it defines the motivation of primary school students at Music lessons. We have tried to establish the student's level of motivation for Music lessons. We paid special attention on the presence of different types and degrees of students’ motivation for the entire area of the subject Music, the teacher's influence on the students’ activity during Music lessons and motivation for music in everyday life. The information was gathered with the help of a questionnaire. The method that was used is the descriptive and causative non-experimental method of empirical pedagogical research. We have been researching on an occasional pattern of students (N = 107), who differentiated by age and gender. The pattern included the students of fourth, fifth, eighth and ninth classes. The results show that music plays an important part in students’ everyday life and therefore their motivation for the music lessons is adequately high. The students have graded the activities during Music lessons as good; what is concerning is the information of popularity of learning musical theory and history. This information shows the students’ disinterest in learning these two areas of Music. Besides this, the results show a high popularity of Music as a school subject as it was rather popular among the primary school students since it has reached a very high position on the scale of evaluation of the school subjects among both the lower and higher classes. The results clearly point out a high level of students’ motivation for Music lessons and a high popularity of Music as a school subject.
Keywords:motivation, motivational theories, Music, PPZZ model


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