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Authors:ID Šmerc, Alenka (Author)
ID Vuk, Drago (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Smerc_Alenka_2010.pdf (554,86 KB)
MD5: FDBF81EE31A2B659B06E2648E31AFF7C
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/4e78f17d-d829-42bc-9a32-45477a7db6d1
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Pri izgorevanju nafte, plina in premoga nastajajo toplogredni plini, ki segrevajo ozračje. Efekt tople grede na Zemljini površini povzroča pomik suhih področij proti severu, taljenje visokogorskih ledenikov, dvig gladine svetovnih morij itd. Kljub podnebnim spremembam povpraševanje po energiji vsako leto narašča in z zmanjševanjem zalog fosilnih goriv se povečuje naša odvisnost od dobaviteljev z Bližnjega vzhoda ter možnost za nastanek naftnih kriz in konfliktov. V Sloveniji opažamo, da vse več gospodinjstev za ogrevanje uporablja les, ki je lokalno dosegljiv in ima stabilno ceno, povečano pa je tudi zanimanje investitorjev za ogrevanje drugih zgradb, predvsem zaradi razpoložljive in energetsko učinkovite tehnologije, ki nudi uporabniku prav tako udobje kot ogrevanje na fosilna goriva. Čeprav je za sodobne ogrevalne naprave na les značilno, da so dražje od kotlov na plin ali kurilno olje, lahko lastniki gozdov z izkoriščenjem lesnih ostankov in gospodarsko neuporabnega lesa v energetske namene dolgoročno znižajo letne stroške ogrevanja. Poleg domače zaloge goriva pa na odločitev za ogrevanje z lesno biomaso močno vpliva možnost pridobitve nepovratnih sredstev in/ali ugodnega kredita. Energetska politika v Sloveniji s finančnimi spodbudami vpliva na pospeševanje rabe lesne biomase v energetske namene v skladu z nacionalnim programom varstva okolja in usmeritvami Evropske unije. Že nekaj let zapored so na voljo razpisi za sofinanciranje vgradnje sodobnih kotlov na les, in sicer za fizične osebe in gospodinjstva ter za pravne osebe in podjetja. Ker sta tudi letos odprta dva javna razpisa v okviru programa razvoja podeželja, je v diplomskem delu predstavljen način posodobitve sistema ogrevanja na kmetiji Kadivec ter delno financiranje investicije z nepovratnimi sredstvi.
Keywords:Obnovljivi viri energije, lesna biomasa, daljinsko ogrevanje z lesno biomaso, nepovratna sredstva (subvencije).
Place of publishing:Kranj
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-13734 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:6708499 New window
Publication date in DKUM:13.09.2010
ŠMERC, Alenka, 2010, DALJINSKO OGREVANJE Z LESNO BIOMASO NA KMETIJI KADIVEC [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Kranj. [Accessed 18 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=13734
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Abstract:The combustion of oil, gas and coal generates the greenhouse gases that are warming up the atmosphere. The greenhouse effect causes the dry areas to advance towards North Pole; glaciers melting, rising of the sea level etc. Despite of the climate changes the demand for energy is increasing and with the supply of fossil fuel decreasing our dependency on Middle East suppliers is increasing, as well as the chances of oil crisis and conflicts. Nowadays the utilization of wood for heating is on the rise in Slovenian households, since wood is stable in pricing, locally available renewable fuel source and more eco friendly. Also, modern automated high efficiency furnaces offer the user comfort and better quality of local air than heating with fossil fuels. Wood as local fuel source can bring substantial savings on heating bills, although modern biomass fueled heating appliances are more expensive than ordinary gas or oil furnaces. The return on investment can be achieved quicker with the help of non refundable investment funds and/or with low interest financing. The Slovenian energy policy provides financial incentives in order to spur the use of renewable wood biomass as energy feedstock in accordance with National Environmental Action Plan and EU guidelines. Hence, from 1999 each year two calls for co – financing of modern wood pellet heating system installation have been available for individuals and households, and for legal entities and enterprises. As also this year two public tenders under the Rural Development Program are opened, the aim of diploma work is to present the modernization of heating system on the farm Kadivec and introduce partial non-refundable financial support scheme.
Keywords:Renewable energy source, wood biomass, remote wood biomass heating, subsidy.


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