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Authors:ID Klemen, Martina (Author)
ID Lahe, Milica (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Klemen_Martina_2010.pdf (3,20 MB)
MD5: 241F96DD8AD63C79528268A37FACF646
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/4f4208f9-0b80-4c87-94aa-6ab41f3dea6a
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Otroci imajo pravico do nemotenega razvoja, pri čemer sta ena od pomembnejših pogojev za to telesno in duševno zdravje. Način življenja v okolju, v katerem otrok raste in dozoreva, ima pri tem velik pomen. Bolezni pa so in bodo vedno del odraščanja predšolskih otrok. Vendar je določene bolezni mogoče tudi preprečiti. V diplomskem delu z naslovom Bolezni otrok, ki jih lahko preprečujemo s cepljenjem, so bile opisane nalezljive bolezni, ki jih zajema nacionalni program cepljenja predšolskih otrok v Sloveniji, proti katerim se otroci morajo obvezno cepiti, in vrste bolezni, proti katerim se je možno cepiti za njihovo preprečevanje. Ob tem je bilo izpostavljeno vprašanje, ali s cepljenjem otroka preprečujemo širjenje bolezni in zaščitimo tudi druge otroke, ki zaradi zdravstvenih razlogov ne morejo biti ali ne želijo biti cepljeni. Strokovna medicinska literatura v vseh pogledih opisuje cepljenje in hkrati cepiva kot varno in učinkovito zaščito pred boleznimi. Skozi analizo izvajanja imunizacije predšolskih otrok, ki jo je pripravil Inštitut za varovanja zdravja RS, smo analizirali pojavljanje bolezni, proti katerim obstaja obvezno cepljenje. Odnos do zdravja se gradi postopno — prek vzpodbud in zgledov v najožjem okolju že v zgodnjem otroštvu in kasneje prek dejavnosti v vzgojno-varstvenih zavodih. Predšolska vzgoja v Sloveniji naj bi se izvajala na visoki ravni in skrbi za otrokov celostni razvoj. Zato smo v diplomskem delu opisali in predstavili zdravstveno-higienski režim ter ob tem odgovorili na vprašanje, ki smo si ga zastavili: Na kakšen način je otrokom, vključenim v vrtec, omogočen zdrav razvoj na vseh področjih: gibalnem, spoznavnem, emocionalnem in socialnem. In spoznali, da ne samo okolje, tudi vzgojitelji in drugi strokovni delavci ter tudi starši so tisti, ki otroku privzgajajo odnos do zdravja, najprej z lastnim vzgledom, nato še preko dejavnosti, ki zdravje vzpodbujajo, vzdržujejo in ohranjajo.
Keywords:Ključne besede: bolezni otrok, obvezno cepljenje, cepiva, otroci, vrtec, vzgojitelji, starši
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Klemen]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-13685 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:17594888 New window
Publication date in DKUM:17.05.2010
KLEMEN, Martina, 2010, BOLEZNI OTROK, KI JIH LAHKO PREPREČUJEMO S CEPLJENJEM [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : M. Klemen. [Accessed 21 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=13685
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Secondary language

Abstract:Children have the right to develop undisturbed and the two of the most important conditions for that are their physical and mental health. Way of life in the environment where the child is growing and maturing is of great significance. While diseases are and have always been a part of the preschool children growing up. But certain diseases can be prevented. Diploma paper titled Vaccine Preventable Childhood Diseases described infectious diseases, which are included in the National vaccine program for preschool children in Slovenia and are obligatory, as well as diseases for which it is possible to be vaccinated in order to prevent them. This has put out a question whether children vaccinations prevent the spreading of diseases and protect other children, who cannot be vaccinated for health reasons or wish not to be vaccinated. Professional medical literature in every respect describes vaccinations and vaccines as safe and efficient protection from the diseases. Through analysis of the preschool children immunization implementation, which was prepared by the Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia, we analyzed the occurrence of diseases for which compulsory vaccines exist. Attitude to health is built gradually – through stimulations and examples in the closest environment already in early childhood and later through activities in care institutions. Preschool education in Slovenia should be implemented at a high level and with care for child's integrated development. This is why the Diploma paper describes and presents health and sanitary regime and answers the question asked. In what way the children attending kindergarten are provided with a healthy development in all fields: physical, cognitive, emotional and social. We established that not only environment but also childcare and other professional workers as well as parents are the ones who impart children to their attitude to health, primarily with their own example as well as through activities, which enhance, maintain and preserve health.
Keywords:Keywords: children diseases, obligatory vaccinations, vaccines, children, kindergarten, childcare workers, parents


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