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Title:Aktivnosti zdravstvene nege po laparoskopski sterilizaciji
Authors:ID Peklar, Tina (Author)
ID Gönc, Vida (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Peklar_Tina_2009.pdf (616,20 KB)
MD5: 406D287E406F7B68D4EC5D1B00C6308D
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/cf11312d-dcff-4877-b048-e02fe4575403
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Operativni laparoskopski posegi so v ginekologiji privedli do minimalno invazivne tehnike kirurškega zdravljenja, ki so za pacientke mnogo bolj sprejemljivi, saj s sabo prinašajo manjšo travmo in hitrejšo rehabilitacijo po samem posegu. V diplomskem delu je predstavljena obravnava pacientk in aktivnosti zdravstvene nege po laparoskopski sterilizaciji. V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge so opisane različne metode sterilizacije in sterilizacija po obdobjih. Nato je podrobneje predstavljena laparoskopska sterilizacija, njen pomen, pravna ureditev, način izvajanja ter zapleti. Poseben del je namenjen vlogi medicinske sestre pri obravnavi pacientk s poudarkom na zdravstveno vzgojnem delu, pooperativnem lajšanju bolečin in psihični opori pacientke ter odnosu zdravstvenih delavcev do pacientk. Drugi del obravnava aktivnosti zdravstvene nege dveh pacientk po laparoskopski sterilizaciji. Podlaga za empirični del diplomske naloge sta študiji primera dveh pacientk, obravnavanih po modelu Marjory Gordon, ki temelji na enajstih vzorcih funkcionalnega stanja zdravega obnašanja. Na osnovi zbranih podatkov smo predstavili možne aktualne in potencialne negovalne diagnoze. Izpostavljene negovalne diagnoze so: možnost pooperativnih komplikacij, nevarnost infekcije, nevarnost padca, bolečina, strah pred izidom kirurškega posega, navzea.
Keywords:medicinska sestra, pacientka, laparoskopska sterilizacija, zdravstvena nega, negovalna diagnoza, operacija
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Peklar]
Year of publishing:2009
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-12413 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:1564324 New window
Publication date in DKUM:24.12.2009
PEKLAR, Tina, 2009, Aktivnosti zdravstvene nege po laparoskopski sterilizaciji [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : T. Peklar. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=12413
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Secondary language

Title:Activities of nursing care after laparoscopic sterilisation
Abstract:Laparoscopic operations in gynecology lead to minimally invasive surgical techniques of treatment. They are much more acceptable for the patient becouse they bring less trauma and faster rehabilitation after the operation. In my diploma work are presented activities of nursing care of two patients, after laparoscopic sterilisation. In theoretical part there are presented different operative approaches and separate periods in sterilisation. There are descriptions of the laparoscopic sterilisation, its importance, occlusion methods, immediate and long – term complications. Extra part is dedicated to the role of the nurse at the treatment procedure of the patient with the stress on the health educational work and psychic support of the patient, relieve postoperative pain and to the relationship among nurses and patients. The last part of diploma work presents problem after operation in practice. We found two patients from University Clinic Center of Maribor. To analyze patients we used Marjory Gordon model. The focus of this model is on eleven patterns, where each of them is focused on function of health behaviour condition. The methodological approach to gather information about health condition and feelings of our patients was the questioner and interview. On so collected and analyzed information we present possible actual and potential care diagnoses.The exposed nursing diagnosis are: the possibility of post – operative complications, the risk of infection, the risk of falling, pain, fear of the outcome of surgical intervention, nausea.
Keywords:nurse, patient, laparoscopic sterilisation, health care, nursing diagnosis, operation


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