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Title:Branje in bralna motivacija učencev v osnovni šoli
Authors:ID Vintar, Andreja (Author)
ID Lipnik, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Pulko, Simona (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UNI_Vintar_Andreja_2009.pdf (7,94 MB)
MD5: B581818811DF135CB002DD58F34E6501
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/d4973258-3df1-4b30-a1a3-c36e3679ccff
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Branje je zelo pomemben del človekovega življenja in delovanja, saj nas spremlja na vsakem koraku. Gre za dejavnost, ki se je začnemo učiti že pred vstopom v osnovno šolo in je pomembna za nadaljnje učenje in učno uspešnost, vendar se pravega pomena branja zavemo šele kasneje. Učenci v osnovnih šolah knjig ne berejo veliko, k branju teh pa jih v večini motivirajo predvsem zunanje oblike motivacije, ki jim obljubljajo nagrado, zaradi katere se dobro počutijo. Takšna oblika motivacije ima le kratkotrajen učinek, zato je pomembno, da učenci razumejo pravi pomen branja knjig in pričnejo v njih uživati in ne berejo samo zaradi zunanjih spodbud ampak tudi lastnega interesa in radovednosti. V uvodnem delu naloge so predstavljena teoretična izhodišča s področja motivacije, branja in bralne motivacije. Predstavili smo splošne značilnosti, motivatorje in dejavnike branja, vrste in tehnike branja, učno motivacijo, spodbujanje bralne motivacije in različne teorije, ki predstavljajo predpostavke za empirični del, v katerem so predstavljeni rezultati raziskave, ki je bila izvedena med učenci 6. in 9. razredov na Osnovni šoli C. Prikazani podatki o pogostosti branja, bralnih interesih in navadah, odnosu, spodbujanju in upadu branja ter težavah pri branju veljajo samo za omenjeni vzorec, zato rezultatov ne moremo posplošiti na celotno populacijo. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da učenci knjig ne berejo vsak dan, a branju pripisujejo pozitiven pomen, saj v večini berejo predvsem zaradi sprostitve in pridobivanja novih informacij, vendar to kaže tudi na to, da ga ne povezujejo z učenjem, poleg tega pa se, kljub učiteljevim spodbudam, interes za branje z leti šolanja zmanjšuje in vse pomembnejše postajajo druge oblike dejavnosti.
Keywords:motivacija, branje, bralna motivacija, učenci v osnovni šoli.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Vintar]
Year of publishing:2009
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-11336 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:17192968 New window
Publication date in DKUM:25.11.2009
VINTAR, Andreja, 2009, Branje in bralna motivacija učencev v osnovni šoli [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : A. Vintar. [Accessed 16 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=11336
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Secondary language

Title:Reading and reading motivation of primary school learners
Abstract:Reading as a very important activity is a part of our lives and we have to deal with it on every step we take. We start to learn how to read before we enter primary school and it is very important for future learning and learning abilities but we get familiar with its true meaning later during education. Primary school learners do not read a lot of books and motivation for reading in most cases is external, which means that they read because of the reward they are about to receive. External motivation does not have a lasting power and that is why it is very important that young learners get aware of the importance of reading so that they start to read, not only because of external but also internal motivation, such as interest and curiosity. In the theoretical part we represent theoretical background of motivation, reading and reading motivation. We represent general characteristics, motives and reasons for reading, types and techniques of reading, learning motivation, encouragements for reading and different theories that represent presumptions for the empirical part in which we represent results of our research that was done among sixth and ninth grade learners of Primary School C. We reveal the results about the frequency of reading, reading interests, habits, problems that learners have to deal with while reading, encouragements and decrease of reading. The results have shown that primary school learners do not read books every day but that they do believe that reading has a positive effect and in most cases read because of relaxation or getting new information, but that also shows that they do not directly connect reading with learning. On the other hand we also discovered that although teachers try to encourage learners to read, their interest for reading decreases during years of school and that other activities become more important to learners.
Keywords:motivation, reading, reading motivation, primary school learners.


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