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Title:Povezanost učnih strategij z motivacijo učencev v osnovni in srednji šoli
Authors:ID Mernik, Tadeja (Author)
ID BAKRAČEVIČ VUKMAN, KARIN (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 05630BE4DF3F43A2DB1F0A09EB09FFAE
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/de061b99-6262-4083-88a0-8dc8e18fecab
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Z empirično raziskavo sem želela odgovoriti na vprašanje, ali obstaja korelacija med notranjo učno motivacijo pri posamezniku in njegovo oceno pomembnosti uporabe kognitivnih in metakognitivnih strategij pri učenju, ki med drugim predstavljata osnovo za samoregulacijsko učenje. V raziskavi, ki je bila izvedena med mladostniki različnega spola in starosti, sta bili uporabljeni deskriptivna in kavzalno-neeksperimentalna metoda empiričnega pedagoškega raziskovanja. Rezultati so pokazali, da med spoloma sicer ni prisotnih statistično značilnih razlik v predanosti delu kot dimenziji notranje motivacije, da pa se dekleta bolj kot fantje posvečajo učenju in delu za šolo iz lastnega interesa. Če upoštevamo še naslednjo ugotovitev, in sicer, da dekleta pripisujejo višji pomen rabi učnih strategij, lahko rečemo, da so dekleta bolj učno samoregulativna v primerjavi s fanti. Nadalje se je izkazalo, da med mladostniki različnih starosti ni opaznih razlik v oceni pomembnosti rabe učnih strategij, obstajajo pa statistično pomembne razlike v notranji motivaciji. Medtem ko je za mlajše mladostnike značilna večja predanost šolskemu delu in učenju v primerjavi s starejšimi, pa se slednji pogosteje učijo zaradi lastnega zanimanja in želje, da bi poglobili in utrdili svoje znanje. Kot ključno ugotovitev raziskave pa navajam naslednjo; in sicer da obstaja povezanost med posameznikovo notranjo motivacijo in njegovo oceno pomembnosti uporabe strategij pri učenju. Rezultati raziskave namreč kažejo, da mladostniki, pri katerih je prisotna večja notranja motivacija, tudi višje ocenjujejo rabo učnih strategij.
Keywords:samoregulacijsko učenje, notranja učna motivacija, učne strategije, lastni interes, predanost delu
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Mernik]
Year of publishing:2009
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-10983 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:17004552 New window
Publication date in DKUM:09.07.2009
MERNIK, Tadeja, 2009, Povezanost učnih strategij z motivacijo učencev v osnovni in srednji šoli [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : T. Mernik. [Accessed 15 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=10983
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Secondary language

Title:Connectedness of teaching strategies with the motivation of pupils in a primary and secondary school
Abstract:With the empirical research I wanted to answer the question if there is a correlation between the inner learning motivation of an individual and his evaluation of the importance of the cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies usage, which above all present the basic for self-regulative learning. For the research, taken out between juveniles of different sex and ages, the descriptive and causal non-experimental methods of empirical pedagogical research were used. The results have shown that there are no statistically typical differences between sexes concerning their devotedness to work as a dimension of inner motivation. But girls on the other hand pay learning and school work more attention. When we consider the acknowledgment, that girls attribute a higher meaning to the usage of learning strategies, we can say, that girls are more learning self-regulative than boys. Furthermore, it showed that there are no differences in valuing the importance of learning strategies usage between juveniles of different ages, there are only statistically important differences concerning inner motivation. Younger juveniles are more devoted to school work and learning than older ones, but the latter more often learn because of their own interests and wishes to deepen and strengthen their knowledge. The key acknowledgement of the research is that there is a correlation between the inner motivation of an individual and his evaluation of the importance of learning strategies usage. The research results show that more motivated juveniles evaluate the learning strategies usage higher.
Keywords:self-regulative learning, inner learning motivation, learning strategies, self-interest, devotion to work


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