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Statistics of DKUM

The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Klementina Penelope Jurančič

Together there are 200 keywords, that are appearing 208 times.
8 of them (4 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 16 times (7.69 % of all appearances).

2x12.5%bilingualism, language acquisition, prevajalska orodja, vowels, language learning, epistemic, phonetics, modality
1xError Analysis, very young learners, learning English, foreign students, teaching English, formants, consonants, clusters, Standard Southern British English, Hippo and Friends course, sprememba, blagovne znamke in storitve v EU, ribiška terminologija, ribištvo, zgodnje učenje, angleščina, dvojezični slovar, slovar, angleščina devetnajstega stoletja, projekt NEMO, kvaliteta in uporaba prevajalskih orodij, predlogi izboljšanja procesa prevajanja, prevajanje, sounds, early teaching, foreign language, perception, production, KEY WORDS: early learning, British and American English pronunciation., word recognition, working and long-term memory, second language, "one parent - one language" method, attention, attention span, zgodbice, arbitrariness of the language, Harry Potter, ameriška angleščina, sound symbolism, language proficiency, difficulty of tasks, attention observation, attention measurement, language switching, celostni telesni odziv, statistical analysis, phonology, IKT (interaktivna tabla), nove tehnologije, angleško besedišče, dialectology, British English, external structure, Cockney, phonetic analysis, EastEnders, osnovne šole v Sloveniji, IKT kot orodje, informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija (IKT), računalniško podprto učenje angleščine, motivacija, IKT in angleščina izven pouka, natural environment, kindergarten and school children, tehnološke prednosti., Learning and using foreign languages, real life skills, didactic farm, internal structure, curriculum, sleng, Slovenski izseljenci v Milwaukeeju, časnik Jugoslovenski obzor, angleške jezikovne strukture, prevodni premiki, narkomansko izrazoslovje, naravni pristop, kultura, lutke., podnaslavljanje, kodno preklapljanje, kodno mešanje, grammar, vocabulary, textbook, syllabus, methods, approaches, izposojenka, prevod, individualized learning, learners, igra, besedišče, adults, English teaching, non-native speaking teachers, native speaking teachers, Vaughan, Aspiracija, Izgovarjava, Branje, Soglasniki, Fonetika, Fonologija, Spain, formative assessment, contrastive analysis, error analysis, interlanguage, adult learners of a foreign language, Styrian dialect, Upper Carniola dialect, feedback, portfolio, self-evaluation, peer evaluation, študentje, code-switching, deontic, dynamic, assertives, commissives, speech acts, Pragmatics, Teaching English as a foreign language, Language learning, English grammar, English as a global language, constatives, directives, neverbalna komunikacija, poučevanje, early second language acquisition, language, verbalna komunikacija, komunikacijski pristop, imperatives, polysemy, monosemy, Komunikacija, English language, speaking skills, primary school, ninth grade, modal verbs, deontic and dynamic meaning, ELT textbooks, repeating, internet in šola, expanding vocabulary, methodology, reading, text type, logistics, jezik, English tenses, slovnica, izgovorjava, angleščina kot tuji jezik ( ATJ), informacijsko računalniška tehnologija ( IT), tradicionalna tabla (TT), interaktivna tabla (IT), računalniško podprto učenje jezika, učenje jezika podprto z interaktivno tablo (UJIT), Google Translate, učenje tujega jezika, fonologija, posnetki pred in po vstopu v izobraževalno ustanovo, time, present simple, fonetika, slovenski zvočni sistem, encouragement, activities., angleška izgovarjava, angleški zvočni sistem, progressive tenses, past simple, early ELT classroom, coursebooks, coursebook design, analysis of didactic games, didactic games, child’s play and games, dramatic present, perception of reception, sense of drama, immediacy, narečje
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