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Statistics of DKUM

The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Katja Plemenitaš

Together there are 88 keywords, that are appearing 92 times.
4 of them (4.55 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 8 times (8.7 % of all appearances).

2x25%gender stereotypes, angleščina, sexism, gender
1xlifestyle readiness, technical readiness, pedagogical readiness, questionnaire by Glenda H. E. Gay, vljudnostne strategije, žanr, funkcijska zvrst, večgovorno besedilo, online education, Keywords: Croatian English teachers, učni načrt, učbenik, slovenščina, interview, language, linguistic features, women´s language, pravopisna norma, nogometni huliganizem, psihologija, osebnostne lastnosti, prevajanje, prevodoslovje, značilnosti, tipi osebnosti, diplomska dela, osebnostni profil, prevajalci, skupne značilnosti, ekscesni sociolekt., sociolekt, sovražni govor, nasilje, ekstremni navijači, huligani, Morilci, tatovi in dve nabriti šibrovki, sociolingvistika, podnaslavljanje, Tu pa tam, medpredmetno povezovanje, English language textbooks, mednarodni mediji, analiza diskurza, Teorija vrednotenja, Politico, politična komunikacija., false friends, language learning, cognates, equivalence, konstrukcija diskurza, slovenska politika, language skills, extramural activities, English language learning, social media, Rhetoric, Appraisal Theory, Boris Johnson, Winston Churchill, British war speeches, teaching English as a second language, textbooks, ERT, emergency remote teaching, nursery rhymes, stereotypes, remote education, primary education, coursebook analysis, ICT, COVID-19, historical romance, Outlander, discourse analysis, multimodality, genres, English as a foreign language, character representation, identity chain, cohesion, romance genre, Messages
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