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EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
FE - Faculty of Energy Technology
FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
FF - Faculty of Arts
FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
FL - Faculty of Logistic
FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
FT - Faculty of Tourism
FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
MF - Faculty of Medicine
PEF - Faculty of Education
PF - Faculty of Law
UKM - University of Maribor Library
UM - University of Maribor
UZUM - University of Maribor Press
Faculty of Business and Economic, Maribor
Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Maribor
Faculty of Logistics, Celje, Krško
Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Kranj
Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, Ljubljana
Faculty of Health Sciences
Library of Technical Faculties, Maribor
Faculty of Medicine, Maribor
Miklošič Library FPNM, Maribor
Faculty of Law, Maribor
University of Maribor Library
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Statistics of DKUM
Published theses
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Bibliography of the person, including all types of documents, not only theses.
PhD theses (1)
Mislav Trbušić:
Izračun oblike proste površine magnetne tekočine v homogenem magnetnem polju
MSc theses (3)
Danilo Osojnik:
Izračun elektromagnetnega polja v okolici ozemljitvenega sistema ob udaru strele
Davor Car:
Numerično določanje karakteristik sinhronskega motorja z različnimi velikostmi trajnih magnetov
Simon Šegula:
Sensitivity Analysis of Hybrid Powertrain Pre-calibration Algorithms
BSc theses (10)
Gregor Pusar:
Aljaž Urek:
Avtomatizacija transformatorske postaje 20/0,4 kv Trobni Dol
Patrick Polajžer:
Računalniško načrtovanje kompenzacijske dušilke jedernega tipa
Goran Vorih:
Vpliv razporeditve kablov v kanalu na maksimalno obremenljivost kablovoda
Luka Recek:
Izračun parametrov Teslovega transformatorja
Kristijan Knez:
Analiza pogonskih sklopov električnih avtomobilov na slovenskem trgu
Alen Steinacher:
Numerični izračun kratkostične napetosti v energetskem transformatorju
Janez Cokan:
Primerjava temperaturnih razmer v enožilnih in večžilnih energetskih kablih na podlagi fem analize
Milijan Maksić Duduković:
Načrtovanje nizkonapetostnega kablovoda na primeru TP Škofija - Planinca
Primož Lovrenčič:
Načrtovanje enofaznega transformatorja s pomočjo metode končnih elementov
Other documents (4)
Marko Jesenik, Miha Ravber, Mislav Trbušić:
Innovative approach for the determination of a DC motor’s and drive’s parameters using evolutionary methods and different measured current and angular speed responses
Marko Jesenik, Mladen Trlep:
Numerične metode v elektrotehniki
Marko Jesenik, Mladen Trlep:
Numerične metode v elektrotehniki
Mislav Trbušić, Jože Pihler:
Načrtovanje Teslovega transformatorja