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Title:Mešanje različnih substratov v fermentorje za večji izplen metana
Authors:ID TÖrnar, Mitja (Author)
ID mentor, izr. prof. dr. Bogomir Muršec (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_TOrnar_Mitja_2009.pdf (1,49 MB)
MD5: 7E275EF49A348D7ED448AE69C1359B00
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/76584a3d-4e19-4fdf-a8d8-7a7dc30b32d5
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:V laboratoriju Fakultete za kmetijstvo in biosistemske vede Maribor smo opravili meritve proizvodnje bioplina iz devetih različnih energetskih rastlin in prašičje gnojevke. Šest poskusnih polj je bilo sejanih v čisti setvi, kot so koruza, sirek, ščir, sončnica, topinambur in sladkorna pesa; tri poskusna polja pa smo sejali v obliki interkropinga (mešanici 50% - 50% med rastlinami koruze, sirkom in ščirom). Vseh devet vzorcev smo testirali v mešanici med prašičjo gnojevko (385 g) in silirano rastlino (15 g) v fermentorju za proizvodnjo bioplina. Proizvodnja bioplina je potekala 35 dni v 0,5 literskem fermentorju pri temperaturi 35° C. Rastlinam smo določili kemijsko sestavo za lažje izračune proizvodnje bioplina in odstotka koncentracije metana v substratu. Pri analiziranju količine proizvodnje bioplina smo ugotovili, da je v procesu fermentacije v mezofilnem območju proizvodnja močno odvisna od temperature v fermentorju, pH vrednosti substrata, enakomernega tlaka v fermentorju in mešanja substrata. Največja proizvodnja je bila dosežena s substratom sončnice, kjer se je proizvedlo 451 Nl kg oSS-1 bioplina s 62,85% koncentracijo metana in donosom 283 Nl kg oSS-1 metana. Sledijo mu substrati koruze, sirka in interkropinga med navedenimi rastlinami, kjer je proizvodnja med 330 in 365 Nl kg oSS-1 s koncentracijo med 50−60% metana z donosom 185-205 Nl kg oSS-1. Najmanjši izpleni so bili doseženi iz rastlin ščira, topinambura in sladkorne pese.
Keywords:proizvodnja bioplina, energetske rastline, fermentor
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2009
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-9919 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.03.2009
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Title:Mixing different sorts of substrat in digestion to produce more methane
Abstract:The biogas production from nine different energy crops and pig slurry was measured in the laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences in Maribor. In six trial fields were grown monocultures such as maize, sunflower, red amaranth, jerusalem arthicoke, sorghum and sugar beet were grown where three trial fields were sown with intercropping (mixtures of maize, sorghum and red amaranth at 50% – 50% ratio). All samples were placed into a fermentor containing pig slurry (385 g) for fermentation to produce biogas. Methane production lasted 35 days in 0.5 l fermentor at 35° C. The chemical composition of plants was determined for the calculations of methane yield and methane percentage. Our results show that fermentation process in mesophilic area depends on temperature, pH value, pressure and mixing in fermentor. The highest methane yield was achieved by sunflower (451 Nl kg oSS-1 yield and 62.85% methane concentration). Mixtures of maize, red amaranth and intercropping yielded between 330 – 365 Nl kg oSS-1 with 50% – 60% methane concentration and between 185 – 205 Nl kg oSS-1 methane. The minimum recovery was observed in crops as red amaranth, jerusalem arthicoke and sugar beet which yielded less than 280 Nl kg oSS-1 of biogas with around 50% methane concentration and less than 115 Nl kg oSS-1 methane yield.
Keywords:biogas production, energy plants, fermentor


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