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Title:Tourism climate change adaptation : The case of Slovenia
Authors:ID Turnšek, Maja (Author)
ID Cooper, Chris (Author)
ID Pavlakovič Farrell, Barbara (Author)
ID Kokot, Katja (Author)
ID Špindler, Tomi (Author)
ID Žnidaršič, Zala (Author)
ID Pogačar, Tjaša (Author)
ID Perša, Jan (Technical editor)
Files:URL http://press.um.si/index.php/ump/catalog/book/6ft24
.pdf RAZ_Turnsek_Maja_2024.pdf (17,86 MB)
MD5: 02BB0F5593D3C3A24D08A5977D8F0215
Work type:Unknown
Organization:FT - Faculty of Tourism
UZUM - University of Maribor Press
Abstract:This monography is a result of the national research project “V7-2128 Climate change and sustainable tourism development in Slovenia”. It prepares the groundwork for adaptation within the tourism sector in Slovenia, assesses the risks and vulnerabilities of Slovenian tourism to climate change, and identifies possible adaptation options of Slovenian tourism. The analysis uses past climate data and three scenarios of climate change until the end of the 21st century. Two databases were used to get a wider range of available data: the Copernicus Climate Change Service and Slovenian Environment Agency archive data. The analysis focuses on four main areas of Slovenian tourism: (a) water related tourism, (b) urban and cultural tourism and MICE tourism, (c) winter outdoor tourism and (d) summer outdoor tourism. The results confirm past comparative research about Slovenian tourism being less vulnerable to climate change, with the important exception of winter tourism. While some of the climate change impacts are expected to even benefit Slovenian tourism, adaptation processes are still highly recommended both with regards to direct impacts, such as the increase of temperature, and indirect impacts such as the expected increase of tourism impacts on biodiversity due to the prolonged summer season.
Keywords:tourism, climate change, adaptation, tourism climate index, Slovenia
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:University of Maribor, University Press
Year of publishing:2024
Year of performance:2024
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-91427 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:214483715 New window
DOI:10.18690/um.ft.6.2024 New window
Publication date in DKUM:20.12.2024
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License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.
Licensing start date:20.12.2024

Secondary language

Title:Prilagajanje turizma podnebnim spremembam: Primer Slovenije
Abstract:Monografija poglobljeno predstavi rezultate raziskave vplivov podnebnih sprememb na slovenski turizem, opravljene v okviru ARRS CRP projekta Podnebne spremembe in trajnostni razvoj slovenskega turizma. Raziskava ocenjuje tveganja in ranljivosti slovenskega turizma na podnebne spremembe ter podaja predloge ukrepov prilagajanja slovenskega turizma na podnebne spremembe in predstavlja prvo tovrstno celostno analizo na področju Slovenije. Raziskava se osredotoča na štiri glavna področja slovenskega turizma: (a) turizem ob vodi, (b) urbani in kulturni turizem, (c) zimsko rekreacijo in turizem in (d) poletno rekreacijo in turizem. Monografija primerja rezultate z raziskavami vplivov podnebnih sprememb drugod po Evropi in podaja priporočila za prilagajanje na ravni turistov, ponudnikov, destinacij in države. Pri tem upošteva tako neposredne vplive: zmanjšanja snežne odeje, dviga temperature in spremembe vzorcev padavin, kot posredne vplive: pričakovano vedenje turistov, prilagajanje konkurenčnih destinacij in povezanost prilagajanja podnebnih sprememb z blaženjem podnebnih sprememb.
Keywords:turizem, podnebne spremembe, prilagajanje, turistični klimatski indeks, Slovenija


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