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Title:Event square and multipurpose center with library in the city of Struga
Authors:ID Ajdari, Jeta (Author)
ID Rozman Cafuta, Melita (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Šprah, Nataša (Comentor)
ID Zadravec, Janko (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Ajdari_Jeta_2024.pdf (94,06 MB)
MD5: 9CA02A2A97C97E68EF15BEEB05683EE8
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Abstract:This thesis addresses the redevelopment of a centrally located site in Struga, currently occupied by a large, unadorned parking lot devoid of greenery. Surrounded by key state institutions, including the Health Insurance Office, Municipal Archives, and the Main Post Office, as well as public amenities, such as restaurants and pharmacies, the site offers a unique opportunity for urban revitalization.Until 2016, this location served as the central square of Struga. Following the restoration of the "Monument of Revolution," it was expected that the area would be transformed into a modern, attractive space for local residents. However, contrary to these expectations, it has since been repurposed as a parking lot. This project envisions reclaiming the site as a multifunctional space that serves as a cultural hub and social gathering point for both residents and visitors.Struga, situated on the shores of Lake Ohrid in the Republic of North Macedonia, has a population of approximately 50,000 and is a popular summer tourist destination. Despite this, the city faces a deficit of social gathering places and environments conducive to student collaboration and study. The existing city library, with its outdated facilities and limited collection of 8,000 books, fails to meet modern standards. Furthermore, Struga’s renowned Poetry Nights festival underscores the lack of dedicated public spaces for cultural events, highlighting the need for proper outdoor venues. The absence of adequate library resources and diverse social spaces for various age groups further exacerbates these challenges.This project proposes a comprehensive solution by transforming the parking lot into a multifaceted community facility. The envisioned development includes an open square for events, a gallery and exhibition hall, an innovative city library, study areas, communal spaces, green zones, and a children’s playground. Outdoor reading areas and organized play activities will be integrated into the design, promoting relaxation and leisure within an inviting, green environment.By combining diverse indoor and outdoor programs, the project seeks to foster social interaction across all age groups, enhancing community cohesion. This multi-generational event center and library will become a landmark for Struga, enriching the city’s cultural, recreational, and educational landscape while significantly improving the quality of life for its residents.
Keywords:contemporary architecture, library, multigeneration building, square, public space, common space, green space, Struga.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[J. Ajdari]
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-91333 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:224865795 New window
Publication date in DKUM:13.01.2025
Categories:KTFMB - FG
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Description:The most restrictive Creative Commons license. This only allows people to download and share the work for no commercial gain and for no other purposes.
Licensing start date:12.12.2024

Secondary language

Title:Prireditveni trg in večnamenski center s knjižnico v mestu Struga
Abstract:Ta diplomska naloga obravnava prenovo osrednje lokacije v Strugi, ki je trenutno zasedena z velikim parkiriščem brez zelenih površin. Območje obdajajo ključne državne ustanove, kot so Zavod za zdravstveno zavarovanje, Mestni arhiv in Glavna pošta, ter javne storitvene dejavnosti, kot so restavracije in lekarne. Lokacija tako ponuja edinstveno priložnost za urbano revitalizacijo. Do leta 2016 je ta prostor služil kot glavni trg mesta Struga. Po obnovi "Spomenika revolucije" so pričakovali, da bo območje preoblikovano v sodoben in privlačen prostor za prebivalce. V nasprotju s temi pričakovanji je lokacija postala parkirišče za avtomobile. Ta projekt predvideva ponovno oživitev območja in njegov razvoj v večnamenski prostor, ki bo služil kot kulturno središče in prostor za druženje prebivalcev ter obiskovalcev. Struga, mesto ob obali Ohridskega jezera v Republiki Severni Makedoniji, ima približno 50.000 prebivalcev in je zlasti poleti priljubljena turistična destinacija. Kljub temu se mesto sooča s pomanjkanjem prostorov za druženje ter ustreznih okolij za sodelovanje in študij študentov. Obstoječa mestna knjižnica, ki razpolaga z zastarelimi prostori in omejeno zbirko 8.000 knjig, ne ustreza sodobnim standardom. Poleg tega mednarodni festival "Noči poezije" poudarja pomanjkanje namenskih javnih prostorov za kulturne dogodke, kar razkriva potrebo po ustreznih zunanjih prizoriščih. Mesto prav tako nima dovolj knjižničnih virov in raznolikih družabnih prostorov za različne starostne skupine. Ta projekt predlaga celovito rešitev s preoblikovanjem parkirišča v večnamenski skupnostni prostor. Načrtovana prenova vključuje ureditev vačnamenskega trga, galerijo in razstavni prostor, inovativno mestno knjižnico, študijske prostore, skupnostne prostore, zelene površine in otroško igrišče. Oblikovanje bo vključevalo zunanje bralne površine in organizirane dejavnosti za igro, s čimer bo spodbujalo sprostitev in prosti čas v prijetnem zelenem okolju. Z združevanjem različnih notranjih in zunanjih programov projekt želi spodbujati družbeno interakcijo med vsemi starostnimi skupinami ter krepiti povezanost skupnosti. Ta večnamenski prostor s knjižnico bo postal prepoznavni simbol Struge, bogatil kulturno, rekreativno in izobraževalno krajino mesta ter pomembno izboljšal kakovost življenja prebivalcev.
Keywords:sodobna arhitektura, knjižnica, večnamenska stavba, trg, javni prostor, skupni prostor, zelene površine, Struga.


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