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Title:Informacijska podpora merjenju in obvladovanju tržnih tveganj v bankah
Authors:ID Pravdič, Aleš (Author)
ID Bobek, Samo (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf Bolonjska_magistrska_naloga_-_Ales_Pravdic_-_Koncna_verzija.pdf (2,66 MB)
MD5: 4AB5271E6143696AA342F4685479AB56
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Naloga odkriva in predstavlja področje upravljanja s tveganji v bankah, ki je s preteklimi finančnimi krizami in trenutnimi razmerami v finančnem svetu postalo vse pomembnejše tudi med slovenskimi bankami. Osnovna dejavnost univerzalnih bank je sicer kreditiranje, vendar se banke ukvarjajo tudi z naložbenimi posli. To je poglavitni razlog, da so se zraven kreditnega tveganja razvila tudi druga tveganja, kot so operativno in tržno tveganje. Znotraj področja upravljanja s tveganji vse pomembnejše postajata tudi obrestno in likvidnostno tveganje. V nalogi poudarjamo tržno tveganje in kapitalsko zahtevo iz naslova tržnega tveganja. Tržna tveganja lahko merimo in ocenjujemo z enostavnejšimi metodami, lahko pa uporabimo kompleksnejše metode, s katerimi lahko tudi izračunamo t. i. tvegano vrednost VaR. Prav tako lahko pri izračunavanju kapitalske zahteve uporabimo standardiziran pristop ali pa uporabimo naprednejše metode, za katere je podlaga ravno izračunana prej omenjena tvegana vrednost. Glavna teza naloge je, da morajo banke zraven standardiziranega pristopa za merjenje in ocenjevanje tržnih tveganj uporabiti tudi naprednejše metode, saj lahko standardizirane metode podcenjujejo ali precenjujejo prevzeto tveganje, kar smo z vsemi tremi postavljenimi hipotezami tudi potrdili. Pri izračunavanju tvegane vrednosti lahko uporabljamo orodje Microsoft Excel, ki nam s pravilno vnesenimi matematičnimi formulami poda zelo natančne rezultate in tako predstavlja ustrezno programsko podporo za merjenje tržnih tveganj.
Keywords:banka, upravljanje s tveganji, tržno tveganje, kapitalska zahteva, tvegana vrednost, informacijska tehnologija.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:M. Petrič
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-90916 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:217021443 New window
Publication date in DKUM:29.11.2024
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
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Licensing start date:06.10.2024

Secondary language

Title:Information support to the measurement and management of market risk in banks
Abstract:The task detects and represents a special banking segment, which is every day more important among Slovenian banks in the current and past crisis. The segment is called the fild of risk management. The core business of universal banks is lending money, but many banks have also other business like capital investments. This is the main reason that next of credit risk are operational and market risk (inside of market risk are very important interest and liquidity risk). In this task we present market risk and capital requirement for that risk segment. We can measure and estimate market risk with simpler methods or more complex methods. With the same complex methods we can calculate Value at Risk. When we calculate capital requirement we can also use simpler or more complex methods. Main thesis of this task is, that the banks along the standardized approach for measuring and assessing the market risk also apply advanced methods, because standardizied methods can underestimer or overestimete acquired risk. Thesis was confirmed with all three hypotheses. When calculating the risk value, we can use the Microsoft Excel tool, which, with correctly entered mathematical formulas, gives us very accurate results and thus provides adequate software support for measuring market risk.
Keywords:bank, risk management, market risk, capital requirement, Value-at-Risk, Information technology.


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