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Title:Italian dictionaries of abbreviations and the preparation of entries of the Italian-Slovene dictionary of abbreviations
Authors:ID Kompara Lukančič, Mojca (Author)
Files:.pdf Lukancic-2021-Italian_Dictionaries_of_Abbrevia.pdf (870,38 KB)
MD5: 863D73DA5AC601F76F2F7E54DBD32C92
URL https://doi.org/10.5788/31-1-1642
Work type:Scientific work
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
FT - Faculty of Tourism
Abstract:The present article addresses the two contemporary Italian dictionaries of abbrevia-tions Malossini (1999) and Righini (2001) and outlines the position of the Italian abbreviations in some other Italian dictionaries, namely the monolingual Zingarelli (2000) and Garzanti (2021) and bilingual Slovene-Italian (Šlenc 2006) and Italian-Slovene (Šlenc 1997). The aim of the paper is to give an insight into the compilation of the abbreviation dictionary entries in monolingual Italian, bilingual in tandem with the Slovene language and specialised abbreviation dictionaries; highlight the elements present within the dictionary entries; present the deficiencies in compiling and exam-ples of good practice; with the aim of introducing the outcomes in the compilation of the bilingual Italian-Slovene dictionary entries of the Slovene Contemporary Dictionary of Abbreviations. Within the paper we present the composition of the bilingual dictionary entries giving the reader an insight into the elements of the dictionary entry, namely the usage of language and field qualifi-ers, articulated prepositions, i.e. preposizioni articolate (composed of prepositions and definite articles), official translations and additional descriptions.
Keywords:abbreviations, lexicography, bilingual dictionaries, Italian, Slovene, expantion, dictionary entry, dictionaries, compilation, specialised dictionaries
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Publication date:02.08.2021
Publisher:Buro van die WAT
Year of publishing:2021
Number of pages:Str. 195-213
Numbering:Letn. 31, Št. 1
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-90854 New window
ISSN on article:2224-0039
COBISS.SI-ID:72659203 New window
DOI:10.5788/31-1-1642 New window
Note:Ključne besede v slovenščini: krajšave, leksikografija, dvojezični slovarji, italijanščina, slovenščina, jeziki, slovarji krajšav
Publication date in DKUM:30.09.2024
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Record is a part of a journal

Shortened title:Lexikos
Publisher:Buro van die WAT
COBISS.SI-ID:54915170 New window


License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.
Licensing start date:02.08.2021

Secondary language

Title:Italiaanse afkortingswoordeboeke en die voorbereiding van inskrywings van die Italiaans-Sloweense afkortingswoordeboek
Abstract:In hierdie arti-kel word die twee hedendaagse Italiaanse afkortingswoordeboeke Malossini (1999) en Righini (2001) aangespreek en word die stand van Italiaanse afkortings in sommige ander Italiaanse woordeboeke, naamlik die eentalige Zingarelli (2000) en Garzanti (2021) en die tweetalige Sloweens-Italiaanse (Šlenc 2006) en Italiaans-Sloweense (Šlenc 1997) woordeboeke bespreek. Die doel van die artikel is om die samestelling van die afkortingswoordeboekinskrywings in eentalig Italiaanse, tweetalig Sloweens-Italiaanse/Italiaans-Sloweense en gespesialiseerde afkortingswoordeboeke weer te gee; om die elemente waaruit die woordeboekinskrywings bestaan, uit te lig; om die leemtes in die samestelling asook voorbeelde van goeie pratyk te beskryf; om sodoende die resultate in die samestelling van die tweetalige Italiaans-Sloweense woordeboekinskrywings van die Sloweense Kontemporêre Afkortingswoordeboek toe te pas. In die artikel word die samestelling van die tweetalige woordeboekinskrywings weergegee om die leser insig te gee in die elemente van die woordeboekinskrywing, naamlik die gebruik van taal- en veldbepalers, geartikuleerde voorsetsels, m.a.w. preposizioni articolate (saamgestel uit voorsetsels en bepaalde lidwoorde), amptelike vertalings en addisionele beskrywings.
Keywords:afkortings, tweetalige woordeboeke, samestelling, woordeboeke, woordeboekinskrywing, uitbreiding, italiaans, leksikografie, sloweens, gespesialiseerde woordeboeke


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