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Title:Vloga mednarodnih varnostnih organizacij v politično nestabilnih pokonfliktnih državah: študija primera Demokratične Republike Kongo : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo
Authors:ID Macele, Jan (Author)
ID Tominc, Bernarda (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Macele_Jan_2024.pdf (2,59 MB)
MD5: 8A001A75D991BEC1A18CF674C43DFD3F
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:V diplomskem delu je predstavljena vloga mednarodnih varnostnih organizacij pri vzpostavljanju politične stabilnosti in pomoči pri pokonfliktni obnovi ter študija primera Demokratične republike Kongo (DRC). Država ima dolgo zgodovino številnih konfliktov in z njimi povezane politične nestabilnosti. Ta zgodovina države je vplivala na njen razvoj in jo pri tem procesu ovira še danes. Politična nestabilnost označuje stanje političnega sistema države, kjer vlada ali politični sistem države ni zmožen delovati učinkovito, kar lahko pripelje državo do negotovosti in potencialnega nemira. Vzroki za politično nestabilnost so lahko socialni, ekonomski, politični in varnostni. Kazalniki politične nestabilnosti med drugim vključujejo polarizacijo, število volitev in državne udare. Posledice nestabilnosti se kažejo v slabi infrastrukturi, obsežni korupciji in porastu kriminalitete. Politična nestabilnost in zapuščine vojn so lahko med seboj močno povezane, kar velja tudi za DRC. Mednarodne varnostne organizacije lahko igrajo pomembno vlogo pri stabilizaciji držav in njihovi obnovi. To izvajajo z mirovnimi operacijami in misijami, humanitarno pomočjo, podporo demokratičnim institucijam, reševanjem konfliktov, vzdrževanjem reda in spodbujanjem gospodarskega razvoja. Pokonfliktna obnova zajema politično področje, kot tudi različna pravosodna, družbena, gospodarska in varnostna področja. Na primeru DRC ugotavljamo, da so avtoritarni režim Mobutuja, prva kongovska vojna, genocid v sosednji državi Ruandi in druga kongovska vojna državo pustili v stanju politične nestabilnosti, napetosti, nasilja, gospodarske krize in brez osnovne infrastrukture. Razmere v državi se danes počasi izboljšujejo, vendar jo pri obnovi in stabilizaciji še vedno ovira nasilje na vzhodu države, korupcija v volilnem procesu in vladi ter humanitarna kriza. OZN je v DRC prisotna že od časov državne osamosvojitve, predvsem z delovanjem misije MONUSCO. Organizacija je zelo aktivna pri zmanjševanju nasilja na vzhodu države in pri podpori procesa prenosa oblasti. EU je prav tako v državi prisotna že od časa osamosvojitve, pri čemer je najbolj aktivna pri zagotavljanju finančne pomoči, spremljanju volitev in humanitarni pomoči. AU v državi članici DRC deluje predvsem prek sodelovanja z regionalnimi pobudami in mednarodnimi organizacijami. Njene aktivnosti vključujejo podporo miru in varnosti, krepitev regionalne stabilnosti in nadzor nad volitvami.
Keywords:mednarodne varnostne organizacije, politična stabilnost, konflikti, pokonfliktna obnova, Demokratična Republika Kongo, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:J. Macele
Year of publishing:2024
Year of performance:2024
Number of pages:X f., [64] str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-90738 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:209840387 New window
Publication date in DKUM:02.10.2024
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Licensing start date:18.09.2024

Secondary language

Title:The role of international security organizations in politically unstable postconflict countries: a case study of the Democratic Republic of Congo
Abstract:This thesis addresses the role of international organizations in establishing political stability and post–conflict recovery. It also includes a case study of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). DRC has a long history of various conflicts and related political instability. Its history has affected its development in the past and continues to limit it today. Political instability is the opposite of political stability and it refers to a situation where the government or political system of a country is unable to function effectively, which can lead the country to uncertainty and potential unrest. The causes of political instability can be social, economic, political and security related. Indicators of political instability are, among others, polarization, the number of elections, and coups. The consequences of instability range from a lack of infrastructure and control over corruption to crime. Political instability and the legacies of wars can be significantly conected, as is the situation in the DRC. International security organizations can potentially play an important role in stabilizing countries and their reconstruction. They help trough peacekeeping missions, humanitarian aid, support for democratic institutions, conflict resolutions, mantaining order, and economic development. In our case study of the DRC, we note that Mobutu's authoritarian regime, the First Congo War, the genocide in neighboring Rwanda, and the Second Congo War left the country in a state of political instability, tension, violence, economic crisis, and without basic infrastructure. The situation in the country today is slowly improving, but it is still hindered by violence in the eastern part of the country, humanitarian problems, and corruption in the electoral process and the government. The UN has been involved in the DRC since the country's independence, mainly trough the MONUSCO mission. The UN is also very active in reducing violence in the eastern part of the country and in supporting the process of the transfer of power. The EU has been involved in the country since its independence and is mostly active in the form of financial aid, election monitoring and humanitarian aid. The AU in its member state DRC, works mainly through cooperation with regional initiatives and international organizations. Its activities include supporting peace and security, strengthening regional stability, and monitoring elections.
Keywords:Democratic Republic of the Congo, political instability, international security organizations, conflict, post-conflict recovery


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