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Title:Teaching for an Inclusive, Technologically Competent and Sustainable Society : Book of Abstracts
Authors:ID Hmelak, Maja (Editor)
ID Marinšek, Miha (Editor)
Files:URL https://press.um.si/index.php/ump/catalog/book/893
.pdf 9789612869007.pdf (5,94 MB)
MD5: 93C41E346FE7635938DA6AF36BEF77F4
Work type:Proceedings
Typology:2.25 - Other Monographs and Other Completed Works
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
UZUM - University of Maribor Press
Abstract:This conference proceeding, titled "Rethinking Childhood III – Teaching for an Inclusive, Technologically Competent, and Towards Sustainability Oriented Society," encapsulates 39 research contributions that collectively aim to advance educational practices. The studies presented address a variety of themes including inclusive education, the integration of technology in teaching, and promoting sustainability through educational initiatives. The research spans diverse methodologies and educational levels, from preschool to higher education, highlighting innovative approaches to curriculum development, digital literacy, and competency-based learning. Key findings demonstrate the importance of fostering an inclusive environment, utilizing digital tools effectively, and encouraging sustainable practices within educational settings. This compilation of contributions provides valuable insights for educators, policymakers, and researchers dedicated to evolving educational frameworks to meet the demands of a modern, interconnected, and sustainable society.
Keywords:digitalna pismenost, pedagoške inovacije, okoljsko izobraževanje, enakost v izobraževanju, izobraževalna politika, učne tehnologije, profesionalni razvoj strokovnih delavcev, oblikovanje kurikula, vključenost otrok in mladine
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:University of Maribor, University Press
Year of publishing:2024
Year of performance:2024
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-90726 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:206938115 New window
DOI:10.18690/um.pef.3.2024 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.09.2024
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License:CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Description:A Creative Commons license that bans commercial use and requires the user to release any modified works under this license.
Licensing start date:18.09.2024

Secondary language

Title:Poučevanje za vključujočo, tehnološko kompetentno in trajnostno naravnano družbo : Zbornik povzetkov
Abstract:Zbornik konference z naslovom "Premislek o otroštvu III – poučevanje za vključujočo, tehnološko kompetentno in k trajnostno usmerjeni družbi" zajema 39 raziskovalnih prispevkov, ki skupaj stremijo k napredku izobraževalnih praks. Predstavljene študije obravnavajo različne teme, vključno z vključujočim izobraževanjem, integracijo tehnologije v poučevanje in spodbujanje trajnosti skozi izobraževalne pobude. Raziskave zajemajo različne metodologije in izobraževalne ravni, od predšolske vzgoje do visokega šolstva, pri čemer poudarjajo inovativne pristope k razvoju kurikuluma, digitalni pismenosti in učenju, ki temelji na kompetencah. Ključne ugotovitve kažejo na pomen ustvarjanja vključujočega okolja, učinkovite uporabe digitalnih orodij in spodbujanja trajnostnih praks v izobraževalnih okoljih. Ta zbirka prispevkov ponuja dragocene vpoglede za strokovne delavce v vzgoji in izobraževanju, oblikovalce politik in raziskovalce, ki se zavzemajo za razvoj izobraževalnih okvirov, ki ustrezajo zahtevam sodobne, medsebojno povezane in trajnostne družbe.
Keywords:digital literacy, pedagogical innovation, environmental education, equity in education, educational policy, learning technologies, teacher professional development, curriculum design, student engagement


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