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Title:Primerjava modelov trajnostnega poslovanja na izbranih podjetjih v industriji hitre mode
Authors:ID Molan King, Lia (Author)
ID Huđek, Ivona (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Molan_King_Lia_2024.pdf (1,56 MB)
MD5: E8E09974035B3B36E956283985CADF1E
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V diplomskem delu bomo opredelili in definirali pojem trajnostnega razvoja, kakšen je njegov vpliv in povezava z modno industrijo. Opredelili bomo ključne koncepte trajnostnega poslovanja. Ugotovili bomo stanje modne industrije danes in delovanje podjetij v hitri modi. Dotaknili se bomo glavnih proizvodnih držav ter stanja delovnih pogojev ter okoljskega vpliva in posledic hitre mode. Opredelili bomo mnoge negativne plati le-te in problematiko trajnostnega poslovanja v industriji hitre mode. Dejstva bomo raziskali na primeru podjetij Zara in Primark. S predstavitvijo podjetij bomo dobili vpogled v njihovo poslovanje ter vrednote. Oblikovali bomo kanvas poslovnega modela obeh podjetij ter bolj podrobno raziskali njihove trajnostne prakse. Te bomo na koncu primerjali in dobili realno sliko njihovega delovanja v hitri modi. Trajnostno poslovanje v modni industriji je vse bolj in bolj pomembno ter ključno, predvsem zaradi strogih pravil in pričakovanj v industriji. Brez upoštevanja le-teh bo v prihodnosti težko poslovati. Treba pa se je zavedati našega vpliva s hitrim potrošniškim življenjem, zaradi katerega največ posledic nosi okolje in ljudje, vpleteni v proces.
Keywords:trajnost, poslovni modeli, modna industrija, hitra moda, Zara, Primark
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:L. Molan King
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-90478 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:215727619 New window
Publication date in DKUM:20.11.2024
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Licensing start date:08.09.2024

Secondary language

Title:Comparison of sustainable business models of selected companies in the fast fashion industry
Abstract:In the thesis, we will specify and define the concept of sustainable development, what is its influence and connection with the fashion industry. We will define the key concepts of sustainable business. We will find out the state of the fashion industry today and how fast fashion companies operate. We will touch on the main producing countries and the state of working conditions as well as the environmental impact and consequences of fast fashion. We will define many negative aspects of this and the issue of sustainable business in the fast fashion industry. We will investigate the facts on the example of Zara and Primark. Through the presentation of the companies, we will get an insight into their operations and values. We will create a canvas of the business model of both companies and explore their sustainable practices in more detail. At the end, we will compare them and get a realistic picture of their performance in fast fashion. It is necessary to realize that sustainable business is more and more important and crucial in the fashion industry, mainly due to the strict rules and expectations in the industry. Without considering only these, it is difficult to do business in the future. Of course, it is necessary to be aware of our influence with our fast consumer life. In the end, the environment and the people involved in the process always suffer the most.
Keywords:sustainability, business models, fashion industry, fast fashion, Zara, Primark


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