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Title:Vpliv čustvene inteligence na zavzetost zaposlenih
Authors:ID Đukić, Sanja (Author)
ID Žnidaršič, Jasmina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Dukic_Sanja_2024.pdf (923,95 KB)
MD5: EAD3CAD66568C93DA3D1F2DB5F80918B
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:V sodobnem delovnem okolju, v katerem čustva in medosebni odnosi igrajo vse pomembnejšo vlogo, postajajo osebne lastnosti in veščine ključne za oblikovanje delovne zavzetosti. Ena izmed pomembnejših kompetenc prihodnosti je čustvena inteligenca. Odkar umetna inteligenca prevzema vse več analitičnih in ponavljajočih se nalog, postajata čustvena inteligenca in zavzetost ključni za ohranjanje človeške vrednosti v delovnem okolju. Čustvena inteligenca omogoča učinkovito sodelovanje, prilagajanje spremembam, sproščenost pri delu ter vodenje z integriteto in posluhom za zaposlene, česar umetna inteligenca ne more nadomestiti. Zavzetost spodbuja motivacijo, odgovornost in kreativnost, ki so potrebne za inovacije in napredek v organizacijah, v katerih tehnologija sama ne more doseči enakega vpliva. V raziskavi smo preučevali vpliv čustvene inteligence na zavzetost zaposlenih v sodobnem slovenskem delovnem okolju. Uporabili smo vprašalnika UWES-9 za merjenje zavzetosti in WLEIS za merjenje čustvene inteligence, pri čemer je sodelovalo 215 anketirancev. Podatke smo obdelali s programsko opremo IBM SPSS 29, dodatno pa smo izvedli intervju z go. Urško Gerbajs, strokovnjakinjo na področju čustvene inteligence. Raziskava je pokazala, da zaposleni, ki so se udeležili usposabljanj s področja čustvene inteligence, izkazujejo višjo raven te kompetence v primerjavi s tistimi, ki usposabljanj niso obiskali. Prav tako so podjetja, v katerih delodajalci aktivno spodbujajo razvoj čustvene inteligence, dosegla višjo raven zavzetosti med zaposlenimi. Vodstveni kadri so pokazali višje vrednosti zavzetosti v primerjavi z ostalimi. Ugotovitve poudarjajo pomen spodbujanja čustvene inteligence v organizacijah, saj to prispeva k večji delovni zavzetosti in boljšim poslovnim rezultatom. Priporočamo izvedbo empiričnih raziskav v slovenskih podjetjih, da bi pridobili konkretne dokaze o učinkovitosti usposabljanj na področju čustvene inteligence in spodbudili podjetja k večjemu vlaganju v razvoj kadra.
Keywords:čustvena inteligenca, zavzetost, razvoj kadra, kompetence prihodnosti
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-90339 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:215072771 New window
Publication date in DKUM:15.11.2024
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
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Licensing start date:29.08.2024

Secondary language

Title:The influence of emotional intelligence on employee engagement
Abstract:In the modern work environment, where emotions and interpersonal relationships play an increasingly important role, personal qualities and skills are key to creating work engagement. One of the most important competences of the future is emotional intelligence. At a time when artificial intelligence is taking over more analytical and repetitive tasks, emotional intelligence and engagement are key to maintaining human value in the work environment. Emotional intelligence enables effective collaboration, adaptation to change, relaxed working and leadership with integrity and empathy for employees, which AI cannot replace. Engagement fosters motivation, responsibility, and creativity needed to innovate and progress in organizations where technology alone cannot have the same impact. This study investigated the impact of emotional intelligence on employee engagement in the contemporary Slovenian workplace. We used the UWES-9 questionnaire to measure engagement and the WLEIS questionnaire to measure emotional intelligence, with 215 respondents. The data were processed using SPSS-29 software and an interview with Urška Gerbajs, an expert in emotional intelligence, was conducted. The survey showed that employees who had attended emotional intelligence training showed a higher level of this competence compared to those who had not. Similarly, companies where employers actively promote the development of emotional intelligence have higher levels of employee engagement. Managers showed higher levels of engagement compared to others. The findings underline the importance of fostering emotional intelligence in organizations, as this contributes to higher job engagement and better business results. We recommend conducting empirical research in Slovenian companies to obtain concrete evidence on the effectiveness of emotional intelligence training and to encourage companies to invest more in staff development.
Keywords:emotional intelligence, engagement, workforce development, future skills


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