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Title:Dinamika rasti v sodobnem gospodarstvu: primerjava podjetij iz sektorja stavbnega pohištva in aluminijastih izdelkov
Authors:ID Cesarec, Eva (Author)
ID Širec, Karin (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Cesarec_Eva_2024.pdf (1,22 MB)
MD5: 1B8A006867B087310DE735A548B2DF0C
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V sodobnem dinamičnem gospodarstvu se podjetja srečujejo z izzivi, priložnostmi in nevarnostmi, ki zahtevajo nenehno prilagajanje in inovativnost. Ključen dejavnik za doseganje uspešnega poslovanja je sposobnost podjetja, da učinkovito upravlja podjetniško rast, pri čemer dinamično podjetništvo predstavlja gonilo inovacij ter ustvarjanja vrednosti. Sodobna podjetja morajo uporabljati različne strategije rasti za oblikovanje konkurenčnega podjetja, ki lahko vključujejo notranje in zunanje pristope ter se prepletajo med seboj. Rastoče podjetje, kot sta Roletarstvo Medle d.o.o. in Aluminium Kety Emmi d.o.o., mora ustvarjati pozitivne denarne tokove ali dobiček, ki raste hitreje kot celotno gospodarstvo. To omogoča reinvestiranje dobička v razširitev poslovanja, razvoj produktov in storitev ter raziskave trga in odjemalcev. Obe podjetji sta v fazi rasti svojega življenjskega cikla, kjer se osredotočata na povečanje učinkovitosti, inovacije in pridobivanje novih trgov. Roletarstvo Medle d.o.o. se osredotoča na kakovost proizvodov, zadovoljstvo kupcev in vlaganja v raziskave ter razvoj novih tehnologij. Ključne strategije vključujejo optimizacijo proizvodnih procesov in motivacijo zaposlenih. Aluminium Kety Emmi d.o.o. pa je usmerjeno v avtomobilsko industrijo in uvajanje naprednih tehnologij ter digitalizacijo proizvodnje. Obe podjetji bosta morali ohraniti prilagodljivost, inovativnost ter uspešno upravljati s tveganji v spremenljivem poslovnem okolju, da bi lahko nadaljevali svojo rast in razvoj.
Keywords:strategija rasti, rast podjetja, razvoj, rast, konkurenčna analiza, tržna analiza
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:E. Cesarec
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-90285 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:222146307 New window
Publication date in DKUM:14.01.2025
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
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Licensing start date:28.08.2024

Secondary language

Title:Growth dynamics in the modern economy: a comparison of companies in the joinery and aluminium products sectors
Abstract:In the modern dynamic economy, companies face challenges, opportunities, and risks that demand constant adaptation and innovation. A key factor in achieving successful operations is a company's ability to effectively manage entrepreneurial growth, with dynamic entrepreneurship driving innovation and value creation. Modern companies must employ various growth strategies to shape a competitive enterprise, which may include internal and external approaches that intertwine. Growing companies, such as Roletarstvo Medle d.o.o. and Aluminium Kety Emmi d.o.o., must generate positive cash flows or profits that grow faster than the overall economy. This enables reinvestment of profits into expanding operations, product and service development, and market and customer research. Both companies are in the growth phase of their life cycle, focusing on increasing efficiency, innovation, and entering new markets. Roletarstvo Medle d.o.o. focuses on product quality, customer satisfaction, and investments in research and development of new technologies. Key strategies include optimizing production processes and motivating employees. Aluminium Kety Emmi d.o.o. is oriented towards the automotive industry, introducing advanced technologies and digitizing production. Both companies will need to maintain flexibility, innovation, and effectively manage risks in a changing business environment to continue their growth and development.
Keywords:growth strategy, company growth, development, growth, competitive analysis, market analysis


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