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Title:Uporaba globoko evtektičnega topila pri procesu hidrotermalne karbonizacije : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa I. stopnje
Authors:ID Travnikar, Nina (Author)
ID Petrovič, Aleksandra (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Travnikar_Nina_2024.pdf (2,69 MB)
MD5: 208997B0623B709BCED97DA7C7F06D02
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Abstract:Namen magistrskega dela je bila termična obdelava konopljine pogače s hidrotermalno karbonizacijo (HTC). Namesto vode, ki se običajno uporablja kot tekoči reakcijski medij pri HTC procesu, smo za izvedbo eksperimentov uporabili globoko evtektično topilo (DES) - mešanico glikolne kisline in holin klorida (ChCl). Hidrotermalno karbonizacijo smo izvajali pri obratovalni temperaturi 200 °C in razmerju DES:voda 1:3. Preverili smo tudi vpliv spremembe temperature (170 °C), spremembe razmerja DES:voda (1:9) in dodatka katalizatorjev FeCl3 in FeSO4 na karakteristike hidro-oglja in procesne tekočine. Prav tako smo preučili vpliv same sestave DES topila na lastnosti HTC produktov, pri čemer smo uporabili dve različni razmerji glikolne kisline in ChCl (1:1 in 2:1). Produkte smo kemijsko karakterizirali in preverili možnost njihove uporabe za gorivo in v kmetijstvu. Karakterizacijo surovin in hidro-oglja smo izvedli z meritvijo kurilne vrednosti, elementarno analizo in FTIR analizo. Izvedi smo tudi proksimativno analizo s TGA analizatorjem, s katero smo določili vsebnost hlapnih snovi, pepela in fiksnega ogljika. V procesnih tekočinah smo izvedli meritve TOC, amonijev dušik, KPK, vsebnost skupnih fenolov, skupni dušik, KMK, genotoksičnost in strupenost za sladkovodne mikroorganizme. Z ICP-AES analizo smo preverili vsebnost kovin v procesnih tekočinah in hidro-oglju. Za preizkušanje možnosti uporabe hidro-oglja in procesne tekočine kot izboljševalca tal smo izvedli teste spremenljivosti za rastline z vrtno krešo. Hidrotermalna karbonizacija z uporabo globoko evtektičnega topila je proizvedla hidro-oglje s povišano vsebnostjo ogljika, hlapnih snovi in višjo kurilno vrednostjo. FTIR analiza je pokazala spremembe v hidroksilnih in alifatičnih spojinah. V procesnih tekočinah smo zaznali povišanje vsebnosti TOC, KPK, skupnega in amonijevega dušika ter fenolnih spojin. Procesne tekočine niso genotoksične, vendar so pokazale strupenost do mikroorganizmov. Hidro-oglja so se izkazala kot primerna za uporabo kot izboljševalec tal v kmetijstvu, medtem ko procesna tekočina ni uporabna, zaradi nizkega pH in visoke prevodnosti. Sestava DES topila, razmerje DES:voda ter sprememba temperature HTC torej pomembno vplivajo na fizikalno-kemijske lastnosti nastalih produktov. Dodatek katalizatorja se izraža tako v kemijski sestavi kot v povišani kurilni vrednosti hidro-oglja.
Keywords:hidrotermalna karbonizacija, globoko evtektično topilo, karakterizacija produktov, izboljševalec tal, biogorivo
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:[N. Travnikar]
Year of publishing:2024
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (IX, 60 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-90182 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:222281475 New window
Publication date in DKUM:22.10.2024
Categories:KTFMB - FKKT
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License:CC BY-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Description:Under the NoDerivatives Creative Commons license one can take a work released under this license and re-distribute it, but it cannot be shared with others in adapted form, and credit must be provided to the author.
Licensing start date:24.08.2024

Secondary language

Title:The use of deep eutectic solvent in hydrothermal carbonization
Abstract:The aim of the master’s thesis was the thermal treatment of hemp cake by hydrothermal carbonization (HTC). Instead of water, which is usually used as a liquid reaction medium in hydrothermal carbonization, a deep eutectic solvent, a mixture of glycolic acid and choline chloride (ChCl), was used to perform the experiments. Hydrothermal carbonization was performed at a DES:water ratio of 1:3 and an operating temperature of 200 °C. We studied the effect of temperature change (170 °C), DES:water ratio change (1:9), and the addition of catalysts, such as FeCl3 and FeSO4, on the characteristics of the hydrocarbon and the process liquid. The effect of DES solvent composition on the properties of the HTC products was also investigated using two different ratios of glycolic acid to ChCl (1:1 and 2:1). The products were chemically characterized and their potential for fuel and agricultural applications was examined. The feedstock and hydrocarbon were characterized by heating value analysis, elemental analysis, and FTIR analysis. Proximate analysis was also carried out using a TGA analyzer to determine the volatile matter, ash, and fixed carbon content. The process liquids were analyzed for total organic carbon (TOC), chemical oxygen demand (KPK), total nitrogen, ammoniacal nitrogen, total phenolic content, volatile fatty acids (KMK), genotoxicity, and toxicity to freshwater microorganisms. ICP-AES analysis was used to determine the metal content of the process liquids and hydrocarbon. Germination tests with garden cress were carried out to test the possibility of using hydrocarbon and process liquids as soil improvers. Hydrothermal carbonization using a deep eutectic solvent produced hydrochar with elevated carbon content, volatiles, and a higher heating value. FTIR analysis revealed changes in hydroxyl and aliphatic compounds. Increases in the TOC, KPK, total and ammonium nitrogen, and phenolic compounds were detected in the process liquids. The process liquids were not genotoxic but showed toxicity to microorganisms. The hydrocarbons proved to be suitable for use as a soil improver in agriculture, while the process liquids were not usable because of their low pH and high conductivity. The composition of the DES solvent, DES:water ratio, and variation in HTC temperature had a significant influence on the physical and chemical properties of the resulting products. The addition of a catalyst was reflected in the increased heating value of hydrocarbons.
Keywords:hydrothermal carbonization, deep eutectic solvent, characterization of products, soil improver, bio fuel


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