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Title:Proces Evropske integracije Črne Gore kot države Zahodnega Balkana : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Bulajić, Jelena (Author)
ID Weingerl, Petra (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Bulajic_Jelena_2024.pdf (2,76 MB)
MD5: 0BE9ABC1EBE4B2475BC612060E7F2082
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Študij magistrskega dela se osredotoča na proces evropske integracije Črne gore kot države Zahodnega Balkana. Glavni motivacijski dejavnik te študije je njen pomen in aktualnost v kontekstu evropske perspektive Črne gore. Namen raziskave je predstaviti proces vključevanja Črne gore v EU in njene perspektive kot države Zahodnega Balkana z ugotavljanjem ključnih dosežkov in glavnih ovir na poti do članstva v Evropski uniji. Problematika Zahodnega Balkana odpira vprašanje razlogov za podaljševanje evropskega integracijskega procesa. Vladavina prava, dobro upravljanje in temeljne pravice so za EU ključna področja in najpomembnejši dejavniki pri oceni napredka držav Zahodnega Balkana. Črna gora je prevzela vodilno vlogo pri postavljanju Zahodnega Balkana na pot poskusov gradnje tesnejših vezi z EU. Njene zgodovinske in geografske vezi z evropsko celino vzbujajo težnje po evropski integraciji. Črna gora je od razglasitve neodvisnosti od Srbije leta 2006 kot svoj ključni strateški cilj poudarjala evropsko integracijo. Za proces Črne gore je temeljna reforma uskladitev pravnih, gospodarskih in institucionalnih okvirov z evropskimi standardi. Črna gora velja za državo kandidatko, ki izkazuje največjo usklajenost z zunanjo politiko EU, vendar njena notranja politika in zavezanost vladavini prava ovirata njeno popolno uskladitev s politikami EU. S premagovanjem teh izzivov bi lahko imela Črna gora obetavno evropsko prihodnost kot država članica EU.
Keywords:Evropske integracije, države Zahodnega Balkana, Evropska unija, proces Črne Gore, evropski standardi.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:J. Bulajić
Year of publishing:2024
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (VIII, 118 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-90173 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:217631235 New window
Publication date in DKUM:04.12.2024
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License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.
Licensing start date:23.08.2024

Secondary language

Title:Montenegro´s process of European integration as a Western Balkans country : master's thesis
Abstract:The master's thesis study centers around Montenegro's European integration process as a Western Balkans country. The main motivating factor behind this study is its importance and actuality in the context of Montenegro’s European perspective. The purpose of the research is to present the process of Montenegro’s EU integration and its perspectives as a Western Balkans country by noting key achievements and main obstacles on the road towards European Union membership. The problematics of the Western Balkans raise the question of the reasons for prolonging the European integration process. The rule of law, good governance and fundamental rights are crucial areas and the most vital factors for the EU in its assessment of the progress of the Western Balkans countries. Montenegro has taken the leading role in placing the Western Balkans on the path of attempting to build closer ties with the EU. Its historical and geographical ties to the European continent give rise to aspirations for European integration. Since the declaration of independence from Serbia in 2006, Montenegro has emphasized European integration as its key strategic goal. For Montenegro’s process, it is a fundamental reform to align its legal, economic, and institutional frameworks with European standards. Montenegro is considered the aspiring candidate country that is showing the most alignment with EU foreign policy, but its internal politics and adherence to the rule of law hinder its complete alignment. By overcoming these challenges, Montenegro could have a promising European future as a EU member state.
Keywords:European integration, Western Balkans country, European Union, Montenegro’s process, European standards.


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