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Title:Analiza vpliva razmer v politično nestabilnih državah na varnost globalne dobavne verige Evropske unije : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo
Authors:ID Firbas, Urška (Author)
ID Tominc, Bernarda (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Firbas_Urska_2024.pdf (1,09 MB)
MD5: 8E0276BC9692DC2DD0F4DCC26BEC8338
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Nakupovanje prek spleta iz drugih držav je čedalje bolj pogost trend, ki mu ljudje danes sledijo. Od majhnih paketov, ki si jih ljudje naročijo, do tistih večjih, ki so za nekatere zelo pomembni, saj s temi izdelki iz drugih držav ustvarijo nov izdelek. Ogromne količine dobrin in izdelkov naročujejo tudi države: naftne derivate, ječmen, avtomobile, kovine, kemikalije ter druge stvari z namenom razvoja in blagostanja za družbo. Vse te dobrine oziroma izdelki prepotujejo velike razdalje ter različne poti, preden pridejo do določene lokacije, zato je najbolj pomembno, da imajo države dobre odnose ter da so izdelki dobro varovani, da ne pride do nesreče ali kraje, ki bi izdelek poškodovala ali ga celo uničila. Ena izmed največjih svetovnih uvoznic je Evropska unija, ki je velika gospodarska in trgovinska sila ter je ključni partner v svetovni trgovini. Evropska unija ima z ostalimi državami sklenjene sporazume za dobavo izdelkov in dobrin. Veliko izdelkov in živil Evropska unija uvozi tudi iz Kitajske in Ukrajine. Vse te države pa niso na isti politični ravni oziroma so obdane ali v konfliktu z državami, ki so politično nestabilne ali pa transportna pot poteka mimo držav, ki so politično nestabilne, kar pa privede do ogrožanja varnosti tovora ter ogroža dobavne verige. Invazija Ruske federacije v Ukrajino je povzročila veliko motnjo v dobavni verigi, saj so nekatere države zaradi tega prekinile povezavo z Rusijo in prekinile tudi dobavno verigo skozi Rusijo. Med take države spada tudi Jemen, kjer prevladuje trenutno kriminalna organizacija, imenovana Hutiji, ki imajo tudi v oblasti Rdeče morje, kjer poteka glavna povezava v dobavni verigi med Kitajsko in Evropsko unijo in s tem povzročajo veliko motnjo v dobavni verigi ter vplivajo na varnost tovora. Vse te motnje in posledice v dobavni verigi nastanejo zaradi drugih režimov in dogajanj v državah, s tem ogrožajo pretočnost in varnost tovora, s tem pa nastanejo tudi posledice pri podjetjih, ker se poveča čas prevoza tovora, cena prevoza in številne druge posledice.
Keywords:politično nestabilne države, dobavna veriga, Evropska unija, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:U. Firbas
Year of publishing:2024
Year of performance:2024
Number of pages:VIII, 39 f.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-90070 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:209173763 New window
Publication date in DKUM:27.09.2024
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Licensing start date:21.08.2024

Secondary language

Title:Analysis of the impact of the situation in politically unstable countries on the security of the European Union's global supply chain
Abstract:Online shopping from other countries is an increasingly common trend that people are following today. From the small packages that people order to the larger ones, which are very important for some people because they create a new product with these products from other countries. Huge quantities of goods and products are also ordered by countries: oil products, barley, cars, metals, chemicals and other things for the purpose of development and prosperity for society. All these goods or products travel great distances and different routes before they reach a certain location, so it is most important that countries have good relations and that the products are well protected so that there is no accident or theft that damages or even destroys the product. One of the world's largest importers is the European Union, which is a major economic and trading power and a key partner in world trade. The EU has agreements with other countries for the supply of products and goods. The EU also imports many products and foodstuffs from China and Ukraine. However, these countries are not all on the same political level or are surrounded by or in conflict with countries that are politically unstable, or the transport route passes through countries that are politically unstable, which in turn leads to threats to the security of cargo and endangers supply chains. The invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation has caused a major disruption in the supply chain, with some countries cutting their links with Russia and disrupting the supply chain through Russia. One of these countries is Yemen, which is currently dominated by a criminal organization called the Houthis, who also control the Red Sea, which is the main link in the supply chain between China and the European Union, causing a major disruption in the supply chain and affecting the security of cargo. All these disruptions and consequences in the supply chain are caused by other regimes and developments in the countries, thus endangering the fluidity and security of cargo, and they also have consequences for companies, because they increase the time it takes to transport cargo, the cost of transport and many other consequences.
Keywords:European Union, politically unstable countries, supply chain


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