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Title:Zaposlitvena pričakovanja v Združenih državah Amerike
Authors:ID Božićev, Špela (Author)
ID Romih, Dejan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Bozicev_Spela_2024.pdf (1,60 MB)
MD5: 8D52C962264E582B2F3ED384E649B22A
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Pričakovanja v ekonomiji se nanašajo na napovedi ali poglede, ki jih imajo odločevalci glede prihodnjih cen, prodaje, dohodkov, davkov ali drugih ključnih spremenljivk. Pomembnost pričakovanj izhaja iz njihovega pogosto velikega vpliva na trenutne odločitve podjetij in gospodinjstev, kar posledično vpliva na trenutne cene in splošno raven gospodarske aktivnosti. Zaposlitvena pričakovanja vključujejo napovedi o razpoložljivosti delovnih mest, rasti plač, stopnji brezposelnosti in drugih ključnih dejavnikih, povezanih z zaposlovanjem. Za merjenje zaposlitvenih pričakovanj se uporabljajo anketni podatki, gospodarski kazalniki in sestavljeni indeksi. V diplomskem delu smo se osredotočili na anketne podatke s spletne strani Zvezne rezervne banke v New Yorku. Za lažje razumevanje zaposlitvenih pričakovanj v ZDA smo najprej obravnavali zaposlovanje v ZDA, analizirali stopnjo zaposlenosti in brezposelnosti ter obravnavali vzroke in posledice močnega nihanja stopnje zaposlenosti od leta 2020 naprej. Dejavniki, ki so imeli največji vpliv na zaposlitvena pričakovanja v ZDA po letu 2020, so bili pandemija covida-19, recesija, tehnološki razvoj in politična trenja, ki so s seboj prinesla ogromno negotovosti. Začelo se je množično ustavljanje delovanja podjetij, prilagajanje na ekstremne razmere, zastoji v dobavnih verigah, ki so povzročili visoko stopnjo kratkoročnega psihološkega stresa med potrošniki, ki so iskali zaposlitev. Učinki pandemije covida-19 na zaposlovanje in posledično na zaposlitvena pričakovanja niso bili zaznani enako med demografskimi skupinami. Gospodarske posledice pandemije so močno prizadele starejše ameriške potrošnike, saj so mnoge predčasno odpustili ali pa so sami zapustili službo in se predčasno upokojili. Stopnja odpovedi se je leta 2020 zaradi negotovosti upočasnila, saj so delavci v večjem številu vztrajali pri svojih delovnih mestih. Ta premor je bil kratkotrajen. Leta 2021, ko so bili poslani čeki za spodbude in se je negotovost nekoliko zmanjšala, je delo zapustilo rekordno število delavcev, kar je povzročilo tako imenovano veliko odpoved. Stopnja negotovosti zaposlitve, ki še naprej vpliva na porabo gospodinjstev, je pomembna za določitev efektivnosti gospodarskega okrevanja po koncu pandemije.
Keywords:pandemija covida-19, pričakovanje, zaposlovanje, Združene države Amerike
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:Š. Božićev
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-89999-5a5dd9fa-4870-19e4-b672-a016ad12a621 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:206801667 New window
Publication date in DKUM:09.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Employment expectations in the United States
Abstract:Expectations in economics refer to the forecasts or views held by decision-makers about future prices, sales, incomes, taxes, or other key variables. The importance of expectations arises from their strong influence on the current decisions of firms and households, which, in turn, affect current prices and the overall level of economic activity. Employment expectations include forecasts of job availability, wage growth, unemployment rates, and other key employment-related factors. These expectations are measured using survey data, economic indicators, and composite indices. In this thesis, we will focus on survey data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York's website. To help understand employment expectations in the U.S., we will first examine the state of employment in the country. We will analyze the employment and unemployment rates and discuss the causes and consequences of the sharp fluctuations in these rates from 2020 onwards. The factors that have had the greatest impact on employment expectations in the U.S. after 2020 include the COVID-19 pandemic, the recession, technological developments, and political frictions, all of which have introduced significant uncertainty. Massive business shutdowns, adaptations to extreme conditions, and supply chain bottlenecks emerged, causing high levels of short-term psychological stress among job-seeking consumers. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on employment and, consequently, on employment expectations were not uniformly experienced across demographic groups. The economic consequences of the pandemic impacted older U.S. consumers the hardest, with many being laid off early, leaving their jobs, or opting for early retirement. In 2020, resignation rates slowed due to uncertainty, as workers held on to their jobs in greater numbers. However, this pause was short-lived. In 2021, following the distribution of stimulus checks and a slight easing of uncertainty, a record number of workers left their jobs, leading to the so-called ‘Great Resignation.’ The ongoing job insecurity continues to affect household spending and is crucial in determining the effectiveness of the post-pandemic recovery.
Keywords:Covid-19 pandemic, expectation, employment, United States


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