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Title:Primerjalna analiza regulacije prostitucije v izbranih državah : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa Varstvoslovje
Authors:ID Okorn, Tea (Author)
ID Flander, Benjamin (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Cvikl, Lana (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UN_Okorn_Tea_2024.pdf (948,79 KB)
MD5: 72F37E60D318B26416AC90744C132D82
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Prostitucija ostaja izjemno kontroverzna tema v politiki mnogih držav, ker zahteva ustrezno regulacijo, ki spoštuje pravice in temeljne svoboščine oseb, povezanih s prostitucijo. Izvedena je bila primerjalna analiza regulacije prostitucije v šestih državah, in sicer v ZDA, Belgiji, Sloveniji ter na Švedskem, Nizozemskem in Kitajskem. Analiza je temeljila na šestih merilih: pravna ureditev prostitucije in kazenske sankcije, model prostitucije, pogoji za opravljanje prostitucije, socialne in zdravstvene storitve, stigmatizacija ter vloga rdečih četrti. S pomočjo primerjalne metode so bile ugotovljene podobnosti in razlike med njimi ter ugotovitve predstavljene v obliki tabele. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da države z reguliranim pristopom, kot so ZDA, (predvsem okrožje Nevada) in Nizozemska, dosegajo boljše rezultate glede zdravja in varnosti spolnih delavcev. Nasprotno pa kriminalizacija in delna dekriminalizacija pogosto vodita k večjemu tveganju za zlorabe in otežujeta dostop do življenjskih potrebščin. Švedski model, ki je usmerjen v zmanjšanje povpraševanja po prostituciji, kaže na upad števila storitev, vendar ne zagotavlja izboljšanja pravic spolnih delavcev. Slovenija se nahaja v okolju, kjer je prostitucija dekriminalizirana, vendar ostaja neregulirana. Značilna je zmerna stopnja stigmatizacije marginaliziranih skupin, hkrati pa so socialne in zdravstvene storitve omejene. Pomen mehanizmov za nudenje pomoči spolnim delavcem se zmanjšuje zaradi nejasnosti v delovanju prostitucije. Naloga zaključuje z ugotovitvijo, da ni enotnega pristopa, ki bi bil univerzalno uspešen, temveč je učinkovitost regulacije prostitucije odvisna od politik držav in družbene sprejemljivosti. Vsaka država mora prilagoditi svojo strategijo glede na specifične socialne, kulturne in pravne pogoje, da bi dosegla optimalne rezultate pri zaščiti pravic spolnih delavcev in obvladovanju prostitucije.
Keywords:pravna ureditev, regulacija, primerjalna analiza, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:T. Okorn
Year of publishing:2024
Year of performance:2024
Number of pages:VI f., 55 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-89975 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:207430915 New window
Publication date in DKUM:13.09.2024
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Licensing start date:20.08.2024

Secondary language

Title:Comparative analysis of prostitution regulation in selected countries
Abstract:Prostitution remains a highly controversial topic in the politics of many countries, as it requires adequate regulation that respects the rights and fundamental freedoms of those involved in prostitution. A comparative analysis of the regulation of prostitution in six countries was carried out: the USA, Belgium, Slovenia, Sweden, the Netherlands and China. The analysis was based on six criteria: legal regulation of prostitution and criminal sanctions, the model of prostitution, the conditions for prostitution, social and health services, stigmatisation and the role of red-light districts. The comparative method was used to identify similarities and differences and the findings were presented in a table. Countries with a regulated approach, such as the USA, (especially Nevada County) and the Netherlands, were found to have better health and safety outcomes for sex workers. In contrast, criminalisation and partial decriminalisation often lead to higher risk of abuse and make access to the necessities of life more difficult. The Swedish model, which aims to reduce the demand for prostitution, shows a decline in the number of services, but does not guarantee an improvement in sex workers' rights. Slovenia is in an environment where prostitution is decriminalised but remains unregulated. There is a moderate level of stigmatisation of marginalised groups, while social and health services are limited. Insight into the grey zone of prostitution loses sight of the importance of support mechanisms for sex workers. The thesis concludes by noting that there is no single approach that is universally successful, but that the effectiveness of prostitution regulation depends on national policies and social acceptance. Each country needs to adapt its strategy according to its specific social, cultural and legal conditions in order to achieve optimal results in protecting sex workers' rights and controlling prostitution.
Keywords:prostitution, regulation, red-light districts, sex workers


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