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Title:Gospodarske krize v obdobju 2008-2023 in struktura javnofinančnih izdatkov po državah Evropske unije
Authors:ID Fetahu, Semi (Author)
ID Dajčman, Silvo (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Fir, Nejc (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Fetahu_Semi_2024.pdf (835,95 KB)
MD5: 17CF4F208C0693D296C1C0A77EC5A587
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Diplomsko delo obravnava vlogo države in njene funkcije pa tudi, kako se javnofinančni izdatki razvrščajo in kategorizirajo po mednarodnih standardih. Za razumevanje in analizo javnofinančnih izdatkov smo preučevali klasifikaciji COFOG in ESA. Ugotovili smo, da sta omenjeni klasifikaciji zelo pomembni za razumevanje in primerjavo prioritet držav v zvezi z javnofinančnimi izdatki. Analizirali smo gospodarske krize, ki so se v Evropi zgodile med letoma 2008 in 2023, in sicer največje med njimi, veliko recesijo, dolžniško krizo evroobmočja, pandemijo covida-19 in rusko-ukrajinsko krizo. Ob tem smo proučili izdatke držav EU v teh obdobjih. Ekonomske krize se pogosto pojavljajo, vendar večina ne razume, zakaj se zgodijo in kako vplivajo na življenja ljudi. Diplomsko delo poskuša povzeti krize med letoma 2008 in 2023, s posebnim poudarkom na državnih javnofinančnih izdatkih tega obdobja. V diplomskem delu smo opredelili, katere funkcije držav, po COFOG in ESA klasifikacijah, se v času kriz najbolj spremenijo ter v katere funkcije posamezne države največ vlagajo svoja sredstva. Tako predvidevamo, da so se v času kovid krize javnofinančni izdatki povečali za zdravstvo. Vendar pa bi bilo smiselno vprašati, koliko so države vlagale v zdravstvo pred pandemijo in koliko je pandemija dejansko vplivala na povečanje teh izdatkov. V diplomskem delu smo analizirali tudi makroekonomske agregate, kot so gospodarska rast, stopnja brezposelnosti in stopnjo inflacije.
Keywords:velika recesija, dolžniška kriza evroobmočja, pandemija covid, ruska-ukrajinska kriza, Evropska unija, javnofinančni izdatki
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:S. Fetahu
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-89907 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:211725315 New window
Publication date in DKUM:16.10.2024
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Licensing start date:18.08.2024

Secondary language

Title:Economic crises in the period 2008-2023 and the structure of government expenditures by countries of the European Union
Abstract:The thesis addresses the role of the state and its functions, as well as how government expenditures are classified and categorized according to international standards. To understand and analyze government expenditures, we studied the COFOG and ESA classifications. We found that these classifications are crucial for understanding and comparing the priorities of countries regarding government expenditures. We analyzed the economic crises that occurred in Europe between 2008 and 2023, specifically the largest among them: the Great Recession, the Eurozone debt crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Russo-Ukrainian crisis. Alongside this, we examined the public spending of EU countries during these periods. Economic crises occur frequently, but most people do not understand why they happen and how they affect people's lives. The thesis attempts to summarize the crises between 2008 and 2023, with a particular focus on public financial expenditures during this period. In the thesis, we identified which state functions, according to the COFOG and ESA classifications, undergo the most significant changes during crises and which functions individual countries invest the most in. For example, we hypothesize that during the COVID-19 crisis, public financial expenditures for healthcare increased. However, it would be reasonable to ask how much countries invested in healthcare before the pandemic and how much the pandemic actually impacted the increase in these expenditures. The thesis also analyzed macroeconomic aggregates, such as economic growth, unemployment rate, and inflation rate.
Keywords:great recession, eurozone debt crisis, covid pandemic, russian-ukranian crisis, european union, government expenditures


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