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Title:Vključenost žensk v digitalna delovna mesta; analiza stanja v Evropski uniji
Authors:ID Gergorič, Tjara (Author)
ID Huđek, Ivona (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Gergoric_Tjara_2024.pdf (2,26 MB)
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Žensko podjetništvo je bilo dolgo časa spregledano in zaznamovano z moškimi poslovnimi modeli. Vendar pa naraščajoča literatura poudarja pomembno vlogo žensk v podjetništvu in gospodarskem razvoju. Ženske imajo namreč pomembno vlogo tako pri ustvarjanju delovnih mest zase kot pri ustvarjanju delovnih mest za druge. Kljub naraščajočemu številu žensk podjetnic, zlasti v razvijajočih se gospodarstvih, se še vedno soočajo z ovirami, kot so neenak dostop do virov in omrežij. Digitalizacija spreminja podjetništvo, vendar je še vedno prevladujoče moško področje. Ženske se soočajo z izzivi, kot so digitalna vrzel med spoloma, pomanjkanje digitalnih veščin, stereotipi in predsodki, pomanjkanje mentorstva, pristop do izobraževanja in usposabljanja. Da bi rešili problem ter izzive vključevanja žensk v digitalna delovna mesta, države izvajajo različne politike, projekte in programe, ki bi izboljšali dostop žensk do izobraževanja, mentorstva in kariernih priložnosti ter spodbujali raznolikosti in enakosti. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela smo proučili izzive in podpore ženskega podjetništva. Proučili smo tudi vpliv digitalizacije na delovna mesta, digitalne veščine in potrebo po le- teh ter podjetništvo v digitalni dobi in etična vprašanja digitalizacije. V nadaljevanju smo se osredotočili na koncepte vključenosti žensk v digitalna delovna mesta. V empiričnem delu smo s pomočjo orodij in raziskav Eurostat, Gender Equality Index in The Digital Economy and Society Index ugotavljali, ali obstajajo razlike v stopnji vključenosti žensk in vključenosti moških v digitalna delovna mesta. Ugotavljali smo tudi, ali obstajajo razlike v stopnji vključenosti žensk v digitalna delovna mesta med državami EU, nazadnje pa smo ugotavljali še, ali večji poudarek na izobraževanju in razvoju veščin žensk v STEM področju povečuje njihovo vključenost v digitalna delovna mesta. Rezultati so pokazali, da razlike v stopnji vključenosti žensk in vključenosti moških v digitalna delovna mesta obstajajo, vendar se od države do države razlikujejo. Prav tako obstajajo razlike v stopnji vključenosti žensk v digitalna delovna mesta med državami EU. Ugotovili smo tudi, da večji poudarek na izobraževanju in razvoju veščin žensk v STEM področju povečuje njihovo vključenost v digitalna delovna mesta.
Keywords:žensko podjetništvo, digitalizacija, digitalna vrzel med spoloma, ženske v STEM-u, Evropska unija
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:T. Gergorič
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-89833 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:209138435 New window
Publication date in DKUM:26.09.2024
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Licensing start date:13.08.2024

Secondary language

Title:The inclusion of women in digital jobs; an analysis of the situation in the European Union
Abstract:Women entrepreneurship has long been overlooked and overshadowed by man-dominated business models. However, growing literature highlights the significant role of women in entrepreneurship and economic development. Women play an important role not only in creating jobs for themselves but also in creating jobs for others. Despite the increasing number of women entrepreneurs, especially in developing economies, they still face obstacles such as unequal access to resources and networks. Digitalization is transforming entrepreneurship, but it remains a predominantly male field. Women face challenges such as the gender digital divide, lack of digital skills, stereotypes and prejudices, lack of mentorship, and limited access to education and training. To address the problem and challenges of including women in digital jobs, countries are implementing various policies, projects, and programs to improve women's access to education, mentorship, and career opportunities, and to promote diversity and equality. In the theoretical part of the thesis, we examined the challenges and support for women entrepreneurship. We also studied the impact of digitalization on jobs, digital skills, the need for these skills, entrepreneurship in the digital age, and ethical issues of digitalization. Furthermore, we focused on the concepts of including women in digital jobs. In the empirical part, we used tools and research from Eurostat, the Gender Equality Index, and The Digital Economy and Society Index to determine whether there are differences in the inclusion rates of women and men in digital jobs. We also investigated whether there are differences in the inclusion rates of women in digital jobs among EU countries, and finally, whether a greater emphasis on education and skills development for women in STEM fields increases their inclusion in digital jobs. The results showed that there are differences in the inclusion rates of women and men in digital jobs, but these vary from country to country. There are also differences in the inclusion rates of women in digital jobs among EU countries. We found that a greater emphasis on education and skills development for women in STEM fields increases their inclusion in digital jobs.
Keywords:women's entrepreneurship, digitalization, gender digital divide, women in STEM, European union


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