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Title:Priprava in karakterizacija ekstraktov Plahtice (Alchemilla vulgaris) za kozmetične aplikacije
Authors:ID Kuzmanović, Teja (Author)
ID Knez Marevci, Maša (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Rozman, Urška (Comentor)
ID Varda, Katja Andrina (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Kuzmanovic_Teja_2024.pdf (2,07 MB)
MD5: 15B9C627C6B296DB522DEE945DA6F507
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Abstract:V diplomskem delu smo raziskovali možnost uporabe plahtice (Alchemilla vulgaris) kot naravne sestavine v kozmetičnih formulacijah. Osredotočili smo se na preučevanje antioksidativnih in protimikrobnih lastnosti ekstraktov plahtice, pridobljenih z različnimi ekstrakcijskimi metodami in topili, ter ocenili njihovo stabilnost. Izvedli smo ekstrakcije z uporabo Soxhletove metode, hladne maceracije in ultrazvočne ekstrakcije, pri čemer smo kot topila uporabili etanol, metanol, etil acetat in vodo. Antioksidativno aktivnost ekstraktov smo določili z DPPH in ABTS spektrofotometričnima metodama, medtem ko smo protimikrobno učinkovitost preverjali z difuzijsko metodo z diski. Stabilnost ekstraktov smo dodatno ocenili z uporabo kolorimetričnih analiz in DPPH metode, pri čemer smo vzorce hranili pod različnimi pogoji in v različnih časovnih obdobjih. Rezultati so pokazali, da je ekstrakt, pridobljen s Soxhletovo ekstrakcijo z metanolom kot topilom, dosegel najvišji izkoristek. Najvišjo antioksidativno učinkovitost je dosegel ekstrakt, pridobljen s hladno maceracijo, prav tako z metanolom kot topilom, kar se je izkazalo v vrednosti z 92,08 % inhibicije pri DPPH analizi. Metanol se je izkazal kot izjemno učinkovito topilo za ekstrakcijo fenolnih spojin in flavonoidov, ki so ključni za antioksidativno delovanje ekstrakta. Ultrazvočna ekstrakcija z vodo je prav tako pokazala visoko antioksidativno učinkovitost z vrednostjo 91,26 % inhibicije pri DPPH analizi, kar je mogoče pripisati kavitaciji, ki povečuje sproščanje antioksidantov. Nasprotno so ekstrakti, pridobljeni z etil acetatom, izkazali najnižjo antioksidativno aktivnost. Med vsemi preučenimi ekstrakti se je vodni ekstrakt, pridobljen z ultrazvočno ekstrakcijo, izkazal kot eden najbolj stabilnih in z visoko antioksidativno učinkovitostjo, zaradi česar je še posebej primeren za nadaljnjo uporabo v kozmetičnih izdelkih. Ta ekstrakt smo vključili v formulacijo kreme, saj omogoča varno in učinkovito uporabo v končnem kozmetičnem izdelku.
Keywords:plahtica, ekstrakcija, antioksidativnost, stabilnost, kozmetika
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Kuzmanović]
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-89734-0f9c9c60-7d0f-cefe-337e-19cfbd81da07 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:213673219 New window
Publication date in DKUM:04.09.2024
Categories:KTFMB - FKKT
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
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Licensing start date:14.08.2024

Secondary language

Title:Preparation and characterization of Lady's mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris) extracts for cosmetic applications
Abstract:This thesis investigated the potential of Lady's mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris) as a natural ingredient for cosmetic formulations. The study focused on evaluating the antioxidant and antimicrobial properties as well as the stability of lady's mantle extracts obtained using different extraction methods and solvents. The extraction methods included Soxhlet extraction, cold maceration and ultrasonic extraction, with solvents such as ethanol, methanol, ethyl acetate and water. Antioxidant activity was measured using DPPH and ABTS spectrophotometric methods, while antimicrobial efficacy was assessed by the disk diffusion method. The stability of the extracts was further analyzed through colorimetric tests and the DPPH method, with samples stored under varying conditions over time. The results showed that the extract obtained by Soxhlet extraction with methanol as solvent achieved the highest yield. The extract obtained by cold maceration, also with methanol as a solvent, achieved the highest antioxidant activity, as shown by a DPPH value of 92,08 % inhibition. Methanol proved particularly effective in extracting phenolic compounds, which are vital for antioxidant activity. Ultrasonic extraction with water also demonstrated high antioxidant efficiency of obtained extracts, with a DPPH value of 91.26% inhibition, likely due to cavitation that enhances the release of antioxidants. In contrast, extracts obtained with ethyl acetate exhibited the lowest antioxidant activity. Of all the extracts tested, the aqueous extract obtained by ultrasonic extraction proved to be one of the most stable, making it the most promising candidate for cosmetic applications due to its strong antioxidative properties. This extract was successfully incorporated into a cream formulation, ensuring its safe and effective use in the final cosmetic product.
Keywords:Lady's mantle, extraction, antioxidant activity, stability, cosmetics


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